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Mustafa took them to the nearest hotel they hurried to change clothes in order to meet up with Mastafa in and hour. Troy and Renee hurried to get to the basin they were excited to be able to tour the African rivers that separated the towns. The amphibian was truly a sight to see troy was impressed not only was it a boat, but it converted into and all terrain vehicle equip to ride on the land as a truck... Tell me where you want to go asked mastafa?' We want to see as much of Africa as we can how about you show us everything Renee replied. Will do my lady will do said Mustafa in all of his African dialect.

Mastafa set sail for the Conobi river the river basin was a little rough than any other time before. He could see that Renee was scared and that Troy tried to comfort her as much as possible. Mastafa assured Renee of his successful journey many times during his touring the Okavango river basin. Troy could see that Renee was calming down she even began to take photos of the many animals that the river housed. She particularly love the wild flamingos that flew through the air. Mastafa told them of the hippopotamus that were of great danger to all that sailed the river. Once again Renee was afraid although she continued to snap away at the alligators that rested not far from the amphibian. Troy could see that Renee was trying her best to not look scared while he and Mustafa continued to have there conversation of the wild Africa had to offer. He assured them that they were to relax and enjoy the ride to Madagascar to where the sights began. He poured them a glass of grape wine to ease the tension they might have on there long journey across the many rivers they would have to travel to get to Madagascar. Soon there boat ride began to become pleasant and both Renee and Troy seemed to be having the time of there lives watching the animals roam free.

There next stop was the African Duwk a very large and rough part of the river that ran off the Nile. The animals there was exotic in all there uniqueness. Renee continued to photograph each one in there natural majestic habitat. She watched closely how nature had its own selective order on the meaning only the strong shall survive. She saw the uniqueness of how lions hunted in packs as well as the way an alligator took down it's prey. She found it all to be very fascinating as well as exciting. Troy couldn't believe his eyes he watched a pack of wild dogs hunt down a antelope like it was nothing. It was at that moment he realized that he wanted one for his own selfish purpose. The digs fought over the kill just like the way his dogs did in there many win kills before there deaths. "Troy what are you thinking asked Renee as she continue to watch for his reaction?' Just enjoying the scenery that's all, just enjoying the scenery. Yeah right Troy sure you are, you forget that I know you all to well. Troy looked at Renee with a faint smile on his face she knew what that meant. She watched him as he continued to watch the dogs devour its prey to pieces. Then out of nowhere the hyena's came and then the show began. Troy snatched the camera away from Renee he began to photograph the scene that was about to unfold before his eyes.
The hyenas began to take the kill away by chasing away the wild African dogs until they were all gone. He studied the animals closely he knew that the bite of a hyena had the pressure of a car crashing down on a person killing them instantly. Troy loved what he was watching he thought of the many ways he could make money off of fighting one that would be mixed with a pit bull. He particularly wanted the African dingo dog as his choice to mix the semen into his female dog back home name lady.

I'm glad that the two of you are having fun on the Duwk sometimes the river here cane be pretty unexpected at times said Mastafa. Renee couldn't understand how a man such as Mastafa who knows the river basin so well could be a such a kill joy. Mastafa replied that there next stop was a little town village just off the banks of Madagascar. He assure them that all would be well and that he wanted them to meet his family tribe members of the Okavango forest. He claimed to be a close descendent of the ghost tribe he told them that he was domesticated a long time ago because of schooling. Troy and Renee was excited they never been close to a tribesman before until now. You will love our culture and the way the elders do things in the village you will see Mastafa indicated. Both Troy and Renee couldn't wait until they reached the village they wanted to see all that Africa had to offer.

Troy Stevens had a master plan he wanted to pay the villagers for the dingo dog sperm. He figured that if he planted the sperm into his dog lady he would be victorious in his fights with the guy's who placed the large bet against him after there dog killed Bane Neptune and Nehru's.

Meanwhile Mastafa channeled the Duwk with his amphibian he noticed that just a few feet ahead was a pack of hippopotamuses that was basking in the water... Hippo ahead he said as he tried to escape there path. Both Renee and Troy remembered the danger Mastafa spoke of earlier they tried there best to hold onto the boats rail to brace themselves from the danger that awaited. Boom was the sound they heard just before the amphibian tilted to one side... Oh my God what was that Renee asked as she clutched onto Troy's arm for support? It is hippos there everywhere do not make any sudden moves Mastafa replied. The amphibian was on fire the engine room was now smoking so bad that it was hard for anyone to see directly in front of themselves. Renee reached for the life preserver that was located at the rear of the boat. Troy and Mastafa tried to put out the flame but the smoke made it hard for them to see if they were successful. Once the smoke cleared Mastafa tried to restart the boat but was unsuccessful. He worried if taking the long journey to Madagascar was such a good idea but he knew he needed the extra cash for the tour. troy could see that Renee was panicking he did everything to comfort her while in her state of mind. Mastafa continued to try and start the boat he could see that there would be a storm headed there way soon. He turned the ignition once more and the amphibian did nothing the sound of the engine made the hippopotamuses curious. Mastafa stayed his distance as much as he could before trying to restart the engine again. Soon the amphibian began to start up slowly and just in a nick of time cause right behind the boat was two hippo's who didn't look happy that they were there.
The boat made its way to shore and at the same time the storm hit them all of a sudden and without notice. The lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled as they hurried to find shelter.
Mastafa assured the both of a them that he knew of a place they could stay tonight, but it would take for them to drive the amphibian to the location of the village. Renee agreed she just wanted to get out of the storm plus she needed to get out of the rain she knew that she spent a lot on her hair and she didn't want for her hair to fall do to the moisture in the atmosphere.

The storm picked up the rain fell constantly it was as if they were living in the times of Noah ark. Soon they reached the village of Okavango and Mastafa introduce them to the elders of the tribe people of whom welcomed them with love. The custom of the villagers was to separate the women from the men so that's what they did. Troy stayed back with the men while Renee went off to be pampered by the elder women. They prepared a feast for the villagers that would feed an entire city block for a week. Both Renee and Troy watch closely of how the villagers performed the local rite of passing between two eight year old boys. It was there custom to tribal mark the young boys in order to identify there tribe. They were to under go a  intensely ritual of being subjected to the knife to receive there marks as a ghost tribe member. There rules were that the young boys could not show any sign of fear while the elder of the tribe cut through their skin. Afterwards the boys were to go away by themselves to hunt the most fearsome animal in the jungle before he was considered a man. Renee closed her eyes she couldn't believe that anyone anywhere could be so cruel to subject the boys to take the pain that was associated with such a custom as being cur by a hot blade. She and Troy watched as both boys received there tribal marks that would separate the boy to become a man at only the age of eight. What bothered Renee the most was the fact that after the young boys received there tribal marks they would have to prove to the elders of the village that they were ready for combat. Then after only one boy was left standing that boy would have to go out into the jungle and kill the most gruesome creature called the silver back gorilla and bring back its head. Then and only then would the boy be considered a man and the boy would be the next king of the village with as many wives as he could handle.

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