Troy's sorrow

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Troy Stevens felt bad about the death of his champion bloodline dogs. He loved them like they were his own children.

Troy took the deaths of his dogs hard he found his self whistling throughout the house for them,
but there would be no response. Renee could see that this bothered Troy she decided to tell him about her surprise trip. She wanted the two of them to take the trip together. She figured that this would be what Troy needed to get his mind off what had happen to Bane Neptune and Nehru's.

Renee Rung the door bell to Troy's house twice before he opened it to see what she had wanted. She wanted to surprise him about the trip to Africa she'd hope he'll love it and want to go with her. She couldn't wait to tell him of the exciting news about the plane tickets that she had purchase two days after the deaths of his dogs.

Hello darling haven't seen you in a while is everything alright she asked? I'm OK what brings you bye asked Troy?" Look Troy I know how you feel about your dogs. Hell I loved them too but you have to get over it there gone and they are not coming back. Troy looked at Renee with sadness in his eyes he couldn't believe what she was saying to him. He missed his dogs and all he wanted was to grieve in peace. I have tickets to Africa Troy come go with me it'll be fun. I don't know Renee what will I do in Africa that I can't do here. Have fun Troy that's what we'll do please go with me I don't want to go alone. Renee  demanded that he take the trip to get his mind of his dogs. It didn't take long before Troy agreed that he would go. He told her that he would meet her at the airport  tomorrow she left and he began to pack.

The next day troy waited for Renee at the airport he slept on his decision and decided to go. She pulled up at the airport at about ten o'clock am she was Carrying lots of luggage as if she was moving to Africa and leaving New York behind. Troy laughed at how she struggled to carry her bags the weight alone for each bag made her wobble. Hello my dear said Troy let me ask you a question why do you have so much luggage? Renee took one look at Troy and politely said, cause I'm a woman and women need multiple items... You mean multiple clothes to wear cause this don't make any since troy replied. Well any way Troy why don't you do a lady a favor and help me with carrying some of these bags. No can do sister girl got my own problems to carry sorry. You know I hate you some times you can be right out mean to a girl. Yeah I know you love me so let's catch this plane let's have us some fun isn't that what you told me. Renee rolled her eyes and continued to struggle with her luggage as she began to approach the boarding area. Hello I  have ticket for two leaving for Africa. The desk clerk began to check for her reservations she directed them to the check in baggage area to turn in there luggage. As soon as they were done there they were to aboard on plane 272 Africa air line. It didn't take long before they heard the announcement they needed to board. The plan pull up and they could see it at the terminal window. Once on board they couldn't believe the niceness of first class. Troy wanted to sit by the window he wanted to look out at the world as he past each state and city and wave good bye. At thirty three thousand feet both Troy and Renee began to feel afraid. There were times when the plane went through turbulence that troy closed his eyes and Renee laughed as hard as she could.

Renee could see that Troy was having the time of his life on the plane. He watched the national geographic channel on animals who hunted other animals. She knew he was into that sort of thing so she just let him watch on until he feel asleep. .

It took two days before the plane reached its destination to Africa. It arrived in Kenya and they were to travel to the hotel from there. Once off the plane they were greeted by a tour guide name Mustafa  Bennington he was well known in the region's of the Africa river basin.
Hey can you take us to the nearest hotel and pick us up later for a tour in your lovely country asked Renee? Mustafa looked at the two of them and responded with a yes. He explained to the that he would pick them up at eight o'clock to take them on his Amphibious all terrain vehicle. They was to meet him at the river Nile close to the African basin.

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