the surrogate

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As soon as morning came and the sun was just beginning to rise. Troy took lady his sixty four pound stripy pitbull dog to a man called Dr. Moody. He wanted the doctor to  impregnate lady with what he thought to be the dingo semen.
But what he didn't know was that the semen he thought he had was not what he purchased in africa. He was now taking Dr. Moody the semen marked for the zoo in bindery codes that belonged to a
Hyena that was to be impregnated as well.. The zoo wanted the hyena semen to increase the  population control of this instinct animal. Once the pregnancy was successfully carried and the animals were old enough to be out in the wild they were to be release as faze two in the most remote jungles of Africa. The wild life society was to monitor the social economics of how the animals got along in its own habitat. The most important thing was to see if the hyenas could successful hunt to survive in the wild. If so then they would truly be on there own and the wild life society would simply leave them alone.

Dr Moody cleared his calendar for today And Troy stevens packed lady safely in her cage that fit perfectly in the rear of the SUV he decided to drive for this special occasion.  "Lets go girl troy commanded lady" as he drove out the driveway as fast as he could... "Its your lucky day girl he whispered while making the left turn that led to the freeway. 

Troy continued his conversation with his dog he could see that she felt as if something was out of place. Lady had never acted so agitated before not in all the times she road in that same truck with him so many times in the past. Troy wondered if some how lady knew what was about to take place with her. He couldn't help but think that all dogs had more than six senses that no one knew about.

That interstate was not full of the many vehicles that made the ride more difficult. This cut down the time that troy would have reached the doctor in about thirty minutes. Troy thought about the gas he would save for such a long trip. He glanced back at lady as she lay on the back seat of the truck as if she was in some sort of trouble wich she indicated with her eyes. Lady kept her eyes fixed on Troy every move and when he turned to see her there eyes would all ways meet dead center... "What's wrong girl everything is going to be okay don't you worry im with you lady?"

Troy continued to his destination he couldn't wait until the procedure was over. He wondered if lady would be okay during her pregnancy and if she could carry the pups full term without any complications. He was now only several miles away from Dr. Moody's office he could feel the excitement flowing through his veins. His adrenalin wad through the roof to the point that his palms were sweating and his heart pumped faster and faster as he drove. The moment he pulled up to the doctors office he felt like a kid in a candy store. The smile on his face reached from ear to ear and his speech was all over the place as he tried to speak... Hello I'm hear to see Dr. Moody said troy to the receptionist who sat at the front desk of Moody's office. He's expecting me he exclaimed with a smile as he gloriously gazed into her eyes. The receptionist began to blush troy kept his gaze locked on her every move... What she asked as she slightly looked his way? "Why are you staring at me like that she asked with the same blushing smile?" It's because your beautiful he whispered in her ear while slipping her his phone number at the same time. Hello I'm Dr. Moody please come with me I've been expecting you.

Troy gripped the leash tighter and led lady along with Dr. Moody to a office just down the hall. Once inside the doctors office troy saw that the room was full of degrees that hung on his wall. It was at that moment that troy knew that this doctor was more than the average type of doctor that work at a hospital his degrees spoke for themselves... Tell me what can I do for you asked Moody?" well I understand that you specialize in gene mixing so to speak... Huh Moody gestured with a smile, let me tell you a story if you don't mind it won't take long I assure you... Im all ears doc said Troy as he began to pull up a chair to sit.
Dr. Moody went on to tell Troy what he knew about the wonderful things of what troy call gene mixing. Moody knew what Troy wanted him to do for him he also knew that what Troy had in the canister that he held onto tightly was the key... "How much doc, tell me how much will it cost me for you to impregnate my dog with this dingo semen?"

It didn't take Dr. Moody long before he told Troy the amount for the procedure he wanted him to perform. Troy handed him the thirty thousand in cash and Dr. Moody did as he was told. Within a hour later it was over and lady was fine troy was told to keep an close eye on lady during the pregnancy to make sure there was no complications with the birth of the pup. Dr. Moody explained to Troy that lady would only be able to carry just one pup do to the difference of DNA between lady and the dingo the semen belong too. Troy was kinda disappointed he was sure lady would have at lease eleven pups he could train or sale. He had no idea that it was even possible for a dog to have just one pup anywhere.

Troy look lady over as he picked her up and placed her into the truck, he wanted to see if she had any marks or scars after her surgery with Dr. Moody. He noticed that lady was her normal self troy could see that she had no idea what just took place with her and Dr. Moody... Hey girl I think you deserve a big fat treat said troy as he pulled into the local burger king just hours away from Moody's office.

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