Dr. Moody

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Troy was back in the United states the next day. He waited at the airport until Renee body was turned over to her family and he left shortly after he gave his condolences. He wanted to go to see Dr. Moody to start the first process of DNA manipulation. He was still kind of shook up from all the turbulence he experienced on air Africa.

Two hours earlier Troy Stevens sat in row four seat 16 on air Africa. The take off was smooth within seconds he was now thirty three thousand feet above sea level. The stewardess did what they were trained to do and that was to take care of the passengers needs.

It didn't take long before the plane began to hit turbulence. Each passenger was instructed of what to do in case of an emergency. Troy was more worried about his precious cargo of the Dingo semen then his own well being. At times the plane felt as though it was falling out the sky when the second turbulence hit. People were becoming afraid some reached for the mask that hung above there heads. Others hug there loved one tight and put there heads between there legs. There was a loud thud sound that indicated to the stewardess that something got toppled over in the cargo department. She hurried to find that the zoo canisters had falling from the metal casing that housed them. She began to pick them up placing them back in there casings. To her they all look the same she didn't pay any attention to the labels that separated the zoo canisters from all the rest.
Once the plane landed people waited to retrieve there luggage and any belongings before going on with there lives.

Troy stevens didn't know what he now was carrying inside the canister he thought it was the dingo semen. He hurried to see Dr. Moody he couldn't wait to see what he could do to make sure he could impregnate his only dog lady. He needed to see if lady could actually go through with carrying the pups full term.

Troy Stevens reached Dr. Moody office around four o clock that afternoon.  He looked around to see if the doctor was capable to perform what he needed the good ole doctor to do. He was impressed he found that Dr. Moody was a specialist in gene splicing and that he was the best in his field when it came to the manipulation of human and animal DNA.... Mr. Stevens Dr. Moody will see you now the receptionist exclaimed. Thanks said Troy as he held onto the canister tightly and walked into the doctors office... "How can i help you young mans said. Moody?"  well for starters I'm wondering if you can impregnate my dog with a entirely different breed of animal. Troy saw that doctor Moody was unsure what he was asking of him until he in formed the doctor just what he needed him to perform... This should be of no problem Moody assured troy please bring the animal in as soon as tomorrow morning. Troy was happy he could now accept the bet of setting up the fight in and around a year from now this would give him the time he would need to fully train the animal as he saw fit.

Renee Goodwin funeral was set in three days he made himself a mental note to attend even if he knew he was not invited. He loved Renee and in spite of what many may believe he did and still do. He'd wish that things turned out different but they didn't he knew that her parents blamed him for her demise and that nothing he could say nor do would ever change the way they felt.

Pithenna the new breed  By Earl Peters.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant