The Hunt for Cricket begins

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People begun to describe the animal to the police and military. And all out hunt to capture cricket alive if possible fell on the desk of the officer in charge of the hunt. Code name capture laughter for your eyes only the memo stated and read capture alive bring back to lab for testing. The satellite photos show the military what they were looking for. The photos were clear they showed a hugh hyena lose in UpState New York. It's breed was unknown the military wanted to know if it was prehistoric of some kind.

The traps were set and the armed forces were in place. They waited patiently for cricket to make his mistake. It was becoming night fall and if cricket was in the wooded area he was sure to be caught.

Cricket was stealthy he walked in the wooded area unnoticed by anyone. He was a hunter by nature, but different than any animal in there with him. Nothing could survive his strike when he wanted you he got you and there would be nothing you can do about it. He was a monster one that needed to be taking off the street. Troy knew that there was nothing he could do to save cricket. He backed off looking for him at night he didn't want anyone to know that cricket belong to him.

The military was in place that night they had staked out in the same very woods that cricket roamed. There traps were set everywhere no one made a sound that night. The woods seemed calm for some reason  the men who had to be out there hunting a monster all felt that way. A freak of nature some called it and one thing was certain to them all this thing was getting caught tonight. This was there main agenda the orders were sent down and must be carried out this was all they understood.

Cricket walked with power as he stoped to drink out the creek water that flowed constantly.
He looked at his own image for the first time as he drank the water he needed for his journey.
He looked around as if something was not setting right by him. He began to walk away slowly from the creek something wasn't right and cricket sensed that. His walk was now sluggish he could barely see in front of himself. He stumbled his laughter was soft his breathing was slow he was out of it. The military moved in slowly and with caution they had never seen anything like what they were seeing now. Cricket was out but not totally down he still had a lot of fight left in him. The military tried to throw there nets, but this meant that they had to get close to this mysterious creature. They were bold they moved in fast and with precision. Cricket was no longer moving the nets had pinned cricket down. And the tranquilized water played the most part of him being overtook. They had him cricket was unconscious it was nothing he could do to stop them from taking him. He was there's and soon to be studied and possibly use as a weapon. Troy watched nearby as they placed cricket in a steal cage like he was a lion. He was a dog he was his dog this made troy sad his best friend was gone caught by the government. How could this be troy thought to himself as he drove away in his SUV.

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