How Come

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Troy wondered what went wrong with cricket? He needed to know how he could kill so many as if his blood thirst took over cricket.

It had now been more than two weeks and Troy still hadn't found cricket anywhere. The death toll rose in Up State New York fast there seemed to people missing from all over. Troy knew who was responsible for such horrors that plague the area. He continued to search for his animal throughout the night. And at times when he thought he was close to catching cricket it turned out not to be him at all.

The search for cricket became a full order straight from the President himself. And a all out hunt for the animal began people begun to carry guns at all times. The scene looked like something from the old wild west when guns were carried by everyone.

Troy Stevens continued to search for cricket throughout the night. He called out many times to his dog but there was no response. He asked himself the same question many times over and over. How come this was happening to him? And then he heard a scream that came from a farm house nearby. He began to drive slowly at first until he heard the person scream again. He drove his truck as fast as he could through the corn field that seemed to be miles long. Cricket he called out come here boy, but there was no response. He stoped the truck dead on and begun to walk his way through. Cricket it's me boy come to me he called out once more. It didn't take long before he found what he was looking for. Cricket was eating into what looked to be a little girl no older than ten years of age. He moved closer with caution cricket looked up at him as if he didn't know who troy was. It's me boy he whispered, but cricket continued to eat away at the child as if he wasn't even there. Cricket troy screamed come to me know!!! Cricket looked up at him once more he then began to walk towards troy slowly but in a hunting mode stance. Trot stood completely still he could tell that cricket didn't recognize who he was. Cricket its me boy what's wrong with you. Cricket continued his way to troy slowly and growling showing all front fangs. Troy was scared he didn't know what to do next it was then that cricket leaped towards troy knocking him down. Troy closed his eyes he knew that he was next to be eaten. Cricket was now on top of troy but now his demeanor had changed he began to lick his masters face. It was as if he was a different animal troy grabbed hold of cricket as tight as he could. He walked the dog back to the truck safely secure him in the cage that sat in the back.

Troy buried the child that night deep in the ground within the corn field. He took cricket home and bath the blood off him along with the stench. Cricket seemed to love the attention he was receiving from troy. He loved his master with all of his heart he knew that troy felt the same. Cricket had got to big for troy to handle although he dared not let cricket sense the way he felt. He knew that what he had created was now a predatory monster. And the world was out to kill it he didn't had anymore ideas about what to do with cricket. It had came to the point to where he didn't want to sleep as long as cricket was in the house.

Meanwhile the military placed a curfew on the entire Up State New York area. No one was to be seen outside after dark or would be subject to dire consequence. The police made statements on the news promising to catch and kill whatever was responsible for the gruesome murders in Up State New York. The people was getting tire of the promises they wanted action and they wanted that thing caught or killed immediately.

Troy called Dr. Moody the very next day he asked that Moody see him at his home. The doctor agreed and shown up at the mansion around seven that afternoon. Troy didn't tell Moody about the killings his dog had done he just needed for Moody to check cricket out he needed to know what he truly was. After Dr. Moody had examine the animal his conclusions of its origin was final. He asked that Troy have a seat before he told him of what he knew about his dog. Dr.Moody explained to troy that some how he had the wrong canister the day he came to see him. He continued to explain to troy that the animal he now own is mixed with hyena. Troy was shocked he couldn't believe what he was now hearing. How could this be he wondered?" Then he remembered the turbulence on the plane. "Some how the stewardess must have mixed up the canisters, he thought to himself as he begun to snap out of his daze?"

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