The birth of Cricket

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Three months has past and lady was soon to give birth to her pup. Troy could tell that lady was in pain from her whimpering and her mood swings that she had now developed. He watched her closely each day waiting for the moment to come for lady to give birth to her pup. He wondered what he would call the animal once it came into the world. Troy seemed more excited then ever he realized the money that was to be made from the many dog fights that awaited him. He vowed that he would spend all his time training the animal daily. He knew that he would have to separate the two of them from one another two weeks after the pup was born. He needed for the pup to know only him as it's sole provider. Lady was to never see him again not until he was old enough to fight and mate.

Seven thirty that night lady was in labor and the pup would soon be introduced to the world.  Troy was excited he invited some of his close friends to witness the birth of what he named Cricket. This was to be the pup name and troy was proud to call it that he recorded lady having the pup on his phone. Everyone who was there witness this spectacular event between animal and the connection with there young. Lady was in labor for six hours before the pup was born the pup was healthy the only strange thing about the pup was the way it look. His coat was full of large dark patches that covered it's entire body. He was a male and in spite of his bizarre colors of his coat he was the best thing that happened to troy in a long time and troy loved him. Everyone continued to party throughout the night troy checked on lady and his new money maker often. He decided at that precise moment to give the gentlemen a call to ensure the bet that they had the moment he get hold to another dog to fight up against there dog who killed all three champion bloodline of his call Bane Neptune and Nehru's.

Troy was for the first time in a long time feeling at his best, he could visually see the money Cricket would make by killing any dog he fought him against he was sure of that.

Seven month later:

Troy trained Cricket well he did this everyday he spent more time with Cricket then he did with his own time to himself. He noticed how strong Cricket was becoming he could feel his strength as he trained him in many things. He could fell the power of his animal increasing he wondered just how long it would take for his dog to be ready to fight. This was big money, but more than this it was his name on the line and in these days that's all he had.

Cricket was about to turn eight months and was as strong as ever. He had pass all of Troys vigorous test to prove that he was truly ready for kill combat as a animal, cricket was ready or so troy thought?"
The deal was set and within the next two months Cricket was schedule to fight up against Constantine. Now remember Constantine was the same animal that killed all of Troys champion bloodline dogs.  Troy had a agenda he knew what he wanted out of these strangers. Too him it wasn't just about the money but more like revenging his animals names as well. 

It had now been been eight months and Troy felt like Cricket knew all he could teach him
in such a short period of time.

Troy trained with Cricket everyday he not only taught the animal to understand number commands, but to know all commands in all language's. The animal was strong it was truly ready for its first fight. Troy began to notice that Cricket had an agape love for him he knew that cricket would die for him in any giving moment if need be. But this was different it was as if Cricket had its own personal agenda when it came to its master. Other people that was close To Troy knew that something was out of place with that dog they began to speak on this matter about cricket and the way he looked. But as usual Troy ignored the conversation by skipping the subject entirely.

Listen troy there's something very strange about your dog cricket you need to know about?"
Look you guy's I've heard it all from the time he was born until now please give it a rest and any way Im tired im gonna have to talk with you guy's later.
Troy held open the door to his home indicating for all to leave soon each person followed each other to there cars and left.

Troy gave Cricket a close look he saw what everyone was talking about, but he felt like it was nothing because of its spots. 

He wondered how long he would have to listen to people talk about the way his dog looked. As far as he was concerned it was playing out and no matter what anyone thought Cricket was here to stay.

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