Sector 9

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Cricket was placed in a seven inch thick steel bunker in a facility called sector 9. He had been there now for three weeks and still no one there could control him. The only way they had done any tests on him was to knock him out with gas. They found that his species was mixed they knew he was a pitbull terrier, but they had no idea about what else. Crickets hunger grew stronger he was now eating up to seven full grown cows throughout the day. One thing for sure the military waisted no expense on feeding cricket that's for sure.

Within one month cricket had doubled in size no one dared go near the animal anymore not even unconscious. Cricket was now being held in a more safe and secure location within sector 9. But what they didn't know was that cricket was smart and very crafty when it came to escaping. He was a thinker and he'd done just that he was just waiting for the right time. He watched the guards through the thick glass that separated them from him. This made the men uneasy it was as if he was looking at them saying I'm going to eat you all.

Later that night the alarm sounded the red lights blinked in the hall ways indicating that there was a breach of some sort. Armed men ran in opposite direction as the employee's everyone hurried to make it out of the thick steel door. It was closing and once it did so no one would be able to leave.

Cricket was lose he got out through a vent that pumped air in his environment. The hunters had now become the hunted cricket had already killed four officers who came across his path. He was hungry plus he wanted out of sector 9 he moved with ease as he walked through the halls. Soon he spotted more people he snuck up on one man snatching him backwards before anyone knew he was gone. Blue devils this red robin come back... Red robin this is blue devil go ahead. The package is out I repeat the package is out... Ohh my God the general motioned as he sat in disbelief. Are you there sir over... Yes Im still here who's the person in charge there boy?" lieutenant O'Neal sir... And where is he now asked the general? Sir I don't know the whole place is on emergency lock down he maybe on any level in this place sir. Dam fools was all the general said before hanging up the phone.

Lieutenant Oneal was traped he didn't make it out he stood in his bunker waiting for the animal to come for him. He'd place the 9 millimeter on his desk he knew the weapon would only make it mad. There was nothing he could do but wait cricket was his reaper and tonight he had to dance with the devil himself.

Cricket started devouring everyone in its path before he came across Lieutenant Oneal office. He sniffed at the locked door a hint of his laughter lingered and lieutenant O'Neal shot himself in the head. The bullet only scratched the surface of his head leaving him alive. Cricket broke down the door and still ate into O'Neal face leaving him disfigured. He screamed but no one could help O'Neal he was on his own and bleeding. There was no help coming for him as long as that monster was there with him.

It was sad O'Neal a long time friends of Troy Stevens family. Troy had known O'Neal since he was a boy he remembered calling him uncle Neal. He remembered him at all his birthday parties being the involved adult. He played with him and his friends in the tree house when they were young. These are the things he remembered about uncle O'Neal. Before his monster ate his face off. Oneal was still lying there very much alive and in shock. Everyone who saw what happened knew Oneal would die or be killed by this thing. No one could move the slightest movement could alert the animal attention. Cricket walked slowly he just wanted out he wanted to see his master.

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