The village in search for the Dingo

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The Okavango trip to the village took two days Troy was excited to finally reach his goal to retrieve the Dingo dog semen. It didn't matter to him how much the semen cost or how the villagers extracted it from the animal. In his line of work as a dog fighter he'd seen it all he needed something special and the Dingo was it. he imagine how much more money he would win with a animal such as what he was going to produce in the next fight. A smile ran across Troy face if looks could kill this was it he knew that his intentions were that of no good but he had to have the DNA of that dog there was big money to be made and he wanted it all.

Mastafa drove the amphibian straight out of the river and onto the land. Troy hadn't seen anything like the all terrain vehicle​ such as the amphibian before. He made himself a mental note to put the craft on his to get list. It didn't take them long to reach the village of the delta forrest. After careful maneuvering through the thick vast land the jungle produced they were there. This was Troys first time seeing in person the ghost tribe who protected the villagers from any harm from the outside world as well as the wild animals that lurked in the jungle. These men were fearless plus they blinded into the jungle surroundings as if they were the jungle itself. They were called the ghost tribe because of the white chalk like ash each man had covering there bodies.

Meanwhile Mustafa and Troy conducted business as always. Both Mustafa and the elder priest of the village spoke in there native language. Shortly after the two african men retrieved what​ Troy came for and that was the semen of the​ dingo dog.  The villagers
abstracted the semen from the dog and it was placed into a canister and ready for transport back to America. Troy paid the men plus Mastafa there asking price. He then placed the canister inside a ice pack duffle bag and returned to the amphibian. His plane was scheduled to depart within an hour he was to meet with customs for the release of Renee body. He didn't know what he was going to say to Renee parents. He knew that they disapprove of them going to such a hostile and remote part of the African jungle. How could he be so irresponsible to let her wonder out his sight he thought to himself?" He held onto the canisters while they channeled the river basin as if his life depended on it. He thought of the tremendous power the animal would have being mixed with dingo and pit. He vowed that he would tell no one of just what type of dog it would become once it was born.

Meanwhile Mastafa smiled at his new earnings for the trip to the village. He'd never seen so much cash at one time in his whole life he thought of the many things he could do now to help out his own family.... Thank you Mr. Stevens it was great doing business with you and remember if you are ever in town again I'll be at tour service. Thanks said Troy with his arm extended to shake Mastafa hand.

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