15 The Turning Point

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"I lost it!" Jungkook groans out loud.

Seokjin shots glare at him, "What the fuck, Jungkook? You had one job and you fucking lost the stone?!!!"

"I was sure I put it safely!"

Seokjin looks away from Jungkook, it's obvious he's not happy to hear that.

"Search it."


"IT'S FUCKING YOUR FAULT, DON'T ASK ANYMORE!" Seokjin shouts at Jungkook.

Jungkook stares at Seokjin, he's not scared at him but he can't argue back. Without words, Jungkook leaves the place immediately.

This is the time.

This is the time when Jimin has a big chance to kill his own friend along with the angel.

The Lord might forgive him if he could kill the two of them.

Jimin enters the lobby of the hotel, getting some attentions from the workers because he leaves footprints on the floor with his dirty shoes.

"Sir..." a worker approaches him.

Jimin glares at him and the worker turns into a statue instantly. The other workers gasp in shock as they're starting to hiding from Jimin.

Jimin approaches the receptionist table, looking arrogant and cold, in a low voice he asked, "Where's the room of Taehyung Kim?"

"B-but sir, it's a priva-"

"TELL ME!!!" Jimin grits his teeth.

"205, sir." she managed to check the computer and then she answers him.

Jimin smirks at her widely and he's disappeared from the lobby in the next second.

"There's nowhere to run..." Jimin mumbles slowly as he arrives inside his room.

He walks deeper into the room but...

...someone is giggling.

"Taehyung? Is that you?" a feminine voice echoes in the room.

Jimin enters the main area of the hotel room, and he finds Rosé there, sitting all alone in her bathrobe.

But he's surprised at the fact she has blindfolded on and her hands are tied behind her.

What the fuck?

"I can smell your perfume, Tae." Rosé giggles once more as Jimin looks at her intently, observing what she's doing.

Is this their sex game or what?

"Taehyung, stop to tease me and release me, I can't wait anymore." she says once again, Jimin approaches her slowly from the other side of the bed.

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