First day of hell

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I stood in my room praying mom and dad forgot today was the first day of school.

"Avery!  Hurry up you're going to be late," mom yelled. Nope, guess not.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. Ethan was eating again. Nothing new there.

"Isn't today the first day of school," dad asked.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled.

"Well, have some breakfast before you leave," Mom said giving me a plate a food. I took it and sat down. Ethan tried to take a piece of bacon and I smacked his hand.

"What was that for?!"

"Don't be a cheesehead and get your own bacon," I said with a look.

"Summer, tell Ace to quit teaching Avery new words," dad said looking at his phone.

"You know Ace doesn't listen to anyone, anyways," she said as I ate breakfast.

"I think I found a new recipe to try," he said. "I even pinned it to a new board."

"I find it disturbing my father is on Pinterest," I said to him.

He looked at me, "I find it disturbing that you won't add me."  I gave him a look of disgust.

I don't know why my parents feel the need to get on social media. Can't they just not do that? 

"Dad I sent you a new meme," Ethan said as dad checked his phone and chuckled.  I finished my breakfast and left.

I walked to school only to have someone almost run me over with their motorcycle.

"Cheesehead!"  I yelled causing them to stop.

They turned around and lifted their face plate and smirked. I glared at them. Stupid Zander.  He slapped his shield down as he laughed and took off.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. How is it that the girls in the movies get the great guy and I have to put up with cheesehead? Life was so not fair.

I finally got to school and found my locker. I opened my door only to have it slammed shut on me.

I turned and looked at Zander, "do you mind?"


"What do you want Zander?" I tone was filled with contempt.

"I do believe you owe me for that move you did at my house the other night."

"You kicked me first," I said emphatically.

"So," he shrugged.

"So, I was defending myself," I screeched.

"Maybe I was trying to get your attention," he said with a smirk.

"With what?  Your sparkling personality?"

"Maybe I like you," he smiled. I looked at him as if he had two heads. Then he got closer and I could smell the mint on his breath. My breathing hitched.  "Maybe I want to get to know you better," he said in a husky voice.

My stomach did a flip and my lips parted slightly then he pulled back, "hey babe," Roxanne said walking up and giving him a kiss, right in front of me.

I stood there, "or maybe not," he smirked.  He turned and walked away with her as he laughed.  I stood there with furrowed brows.  That just proves to me that all guys are jerks.  I let out a frustrated scream as I banged my head against my locker door.

"Whoa, a bit harsh don't you think?"

I turned to see Diego. I turned around and leaned with my back against the locker.


"Who else?" I huffed.

"Avery why do you let him get to you," he asked me.

"I don't know!  He's such a cheesehead!  God I hate him!" 

Diego was one of my best friends along with Alexis.  Speaking of which, where the heck was she?

"Oh yeah, screw you too," I saw Alexis as she flipped off someone.

"This can't be good when it's only the first day," he chuckled as she walked towards us.

"What was that about," I asked her.

"Oh you know my scummy ex boyfriend being a douche again," she huffed.

"Wow, that was quick. We haven't even hit first period yet," Diego said as Lexie rolled her eyes.

She looked at me, "What's your deal?"

"Who else?"


"I can't stand him but every time I turn around my parents force me to have dinner at his house. It's ridiculous," I huffed.

"So, tell them you don't want to go, simple," she shrugged.

"I wish," I sighed.

"Then how about we go out," she said.

"With who," Diego and I asked at the same time.

"I know a couple of guys," she said simply.

"No," I said.

"Avery, you need to date," she said with a look.

"Lexie, there is no guy out there that I want to date. They're all cheeseheads."

"Well, there would be if you would get over that the ideal exists from movies," she said with a look.

"Doubt it," I said as I opened my locker and tossed my bag inside. Then I closed it and went to first period.

The truth was, there was no guy I wanted to date, well not the kind that existed.  I got through my classes as I went to lunch. Since my friends had a different lunch than me I found a spot to eat and watch movies. I put my earbuds in and played a movie.

I ate as I watched a movie.  Then something hit me. I looked up to see someone through a drink at me. Then I found out who did it. Zander.  I saw him laughing with some people and this made me realize one thing, the guy I want doesn't exist.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I removed my shirt and tried to clean off the drink that hit me. Tears fell as I cleaned up. Stupid Zander.  Stupid everyone. I wiped my eyes as tears fell and cleaned up.

I pressed the button on the hand dryer and dried my shirt. The door opened and a flash happened. I turned, covering myself as Roxanne laughed along with a couple of girls.

"Perfect. This is going to go to everyone," she laughed.  Anger boiled inside me. I knew who sent her to take that picture and he was dead.

I pulled my damp shirt on and went looking for him. I found him talking to a couple of people. I marched over and he looked at me, "Can I help you?"

I hauled off and smacked him across the face as hard as I could. His head snapped up, "you wanted a picture, fine. I hope you enjoyed it!"

With that I walked away leaving him stunned and confused.  That was it, I was going home.

I had enough of this day to last me a lifetime. I hated Zander Masterson.

Looks like Avery and Zander have a love hate relationship thing going on.  Get ready for a wild ride with these two.

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