Your Song//Suga

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And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but
Now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
-Elton John

If theres one thing you learned from dating Yoongi, its that he was terrible at hiding things. This was made obvious to you every night when your boyfriend would sneak out of bed. And if you weren't too lazy, you'd quietly follow him and always end up peering at him through the crack of the office-turned-studio door.

   There, he'd sit cozily in his rolling chair, a blanket draped over his shoulders. Music blared from his headphones, a Christmas gift from you that he always put to use. He would bob his head along to the beat and muffled lyrics, which were inaudible to you.

   You knew he was working on something because every couple of seconds he'd pause the music and scribble in his cute songwriting book you bought him. The bright yellow smiley face reminded him to smile because he had you.

   His eyes would dart from his Mac screen to the booklet to the keyboard, which his fingers typed away on. Every now and then he'd let out a sigh through his parted lips, which were bright pink and plump due to the amount of gnawing he enforced on them. And sometimes he'd pucker his lips or lick them. Cute habits he had.

   Once he started to close his notebook, you knew to rush back to your bedroom, since it signaled the end of his creative flow for the night, which meant he was coming back to bed.

   And the next morning he'd wake up tired and kind of grumpy, practically whining for a cup of coffee. That and a few kisses from you instantly put him in a good mood for the rest of the day. Normally, he didn't even need the coffee.

   That had been happening a lot recently. He only rarely slept over at your house, since he was still staying with the rest of Bangtan. And you had a full studio/office, which was so much better than sharing one with 6 other people. So why not take advantage of it?

   That's how you knew he was keeping something from you.

    "Jagiya," he said, elongating the "a" sound.

   You hummed over your shoulder as you poured two cups of coffee. You then set the mug in front of Yoongi, who's gummy smile stretched across his face.

   "You know me so well," he grinned as you tossed three packs of sugar across the coffee table. He caught all three with ease.

   "Drink up. Looks like you've got", you scanned the sloth-themed calendar attached to the door of the fridge, "three meetings today and a recording session. Yikes."

   You tugged the fridge door open and fished for the liquid creamer (it was peppermint: yours and Yoongi's favorite!) and poured it into your mug before setting it on the tabletop for Yoongi.

   "Did you sleep well?" you asked, desperate for answers. You took a seat across from him at the table.

   "Not really. Didn't sleep much at all last night," he sighed into his mug, which was still emitting steam.

  "Careful, it's hot." You stirred your coffee with a spoon and blew on it. "And why not?"

"I was, uh, in the studio all night," he said after a bit of hesitation.

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