Dating Jin

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-wow ok so let me first say that im not biased here bc yoongi is my ult
-im not saying jin would be the perfect boyfriend
-but im saying jin would be the perfect boyfriend
-he is the most kind, considerate, respectful, responsible man i have ever seen
-hes also beautiful wow
-i feel like he needs a partner whos on their shit lmao
-im talking schedules, planners
-just someone very organized and responsible
-tbh hes the same way?? But he'd find that attractive
-i feel like he wants a caring and nurturing person bc its basically him
-its been said that he doesn't care about appearance and I wholeheartedly agree
-he may act overconfident and vain but looks hardly matter to him
-he just wants someone on the same wavelength
-someone who's ready to settle down bc he sure as hell is
-he would totally make the first move
-like cmon the guy is dripping with big dick energy (Sagittarius sun)
-he's also pretty smooth so get ready
-he radiates sophistication and confidence so bes believe that's the side of him you'll see first
-dates with him would be so fun wow
-he's mature, yeah, but let's not forget he's a child at heart
-movie dates and ice skating dates probably
-even little picnics at the park
-wow im crying ??
-ok so he's a very nurturing person so i feel like he has a 6th sense for you
-he always knows if there is something wrong
-*silence* "So what happened at work today?"
-"how did you-"
-he basically knows everything about you
-he's your stalker, is what I'm saying
-he would always cook for you
-but i think he'd also want someone who can cook bc he likes eating more than cooking yk what i mean
-you're always his top priority
-he's your protector
-he's been taking care of 6 people for years so he's just used to it by now
*taking shower* *hears noise* JAGI ARE U OK
-he's that kind of boyfriend that just wants you to know at all times that he loves you with his whole heart
-so he'd always say "i love you"
-i feel like he'd say it first as well
-(its the big dick energy im telling y'all)
-gentle kisses
-neck kisses!!
-normally they wouldn't escalate idk they just wouldn't
-but theyre soft and his lips are soft and i just
-please help me
-he'd stare at you a l ot
-like you could be doing anything and he'll just 0.0
-like shit dude im plucking my eyebrows can you kindly stop
-like jungkook he has a habit of singing at random times so
-he'd always sing
-which is a blessing bc you get to hear his angelic voice 24/7
-like it could be playful and he'd start this whole slow dance
-or when you're sad he'd just sing to you while holding you rlly tight
-he loves being the big spoon
-top tbh but also a really really powerful bottom
-vanilla unless he really needs it
-loves touching you all over
-your neighbors lowkey hate you bc he moans so fu c kin g loud
-he wants to make sure you're satisfied so he's always asking "is this okay?"
-loves grabbing literally anything
-grabbing your thighs and ass holy shit
-he'd love when you run your hands all over his bare back
-after showers he'd just walk into the room with only a towel hot damn
-with his wet hair hot damn
-(ooh expect shower sex??)
-he would complement you
-a lot
-in the bedroom or not
-"Jagi you look so beautiful when ur cleaning"
-"jagi u look rlly nice in your comfy clothes"
-"Jagi you look so beautiful when you cook"
-"you're perfect"
-did i mention how he's basically you're personal chef
-If you haven't eaten much that day he'd get right to work and cook a 5 course meal and stuff it all in yo face
-"EaT jAgI"
-he'd stare at you until you shared your food
-aegyo for food
-wants to spend all his extra time with you
-he'd brush your hair and paint your nails
-so many naps!!!!
-cuddles when you're stressed
-cuddles when he's stressed
-hugs would be great
-i feel like he's such a good hugger
-back hugs
-anyways he's such a cutie pie and dating him would be hella fun
-plus your family would love him
-he's literally the perfect man
-forget boyfriend material he's husband material
-wow im not ok rn?? Are yall okay?? Let me know
-ok bye luv ya


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