Valentines Day//Suga

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IM BACK!!!!!
Ok so it's 10pm rn and I was like "you're a horrible author WrItE sOmEtHiNg" so I'm doing this for you guys. Here's a (very late) Valentine's Day Yoongi imagine!!

"So..." he began.

You couldn't help but smile at his awkward state. He was normally this way when discussing romantic stuff. He would much rather explain his feelings through his music.

  So, there you were: sitting across from each other at a small, two-person table in a restaurant somewhere in Seoul. For once, he actually asked you to dinner rather than ordering takeout.

  "Happy Valentine's Day," he said, pursing his lips immediately after.

  "Happy Valentine's Day, Yoongi," you replied, smirking at the fumbling mess before you.

He scanned the restaurant nervously, as if any wrong move could make everything go terribly wrong. He blindly reached for your hand and held it tight before looking back into your eyes.

"You look beautiful."

You laughed out loud. "You've said that four times."

He was obviously noticing your new dress. A tight black bodycon dress. One that clung to your curves in all the right ways. It accentuated your hips, which Yoongi loved. Of course he had been checking you out all night.

He apologized. "I'm just nervous. You make me nervous."

"Is that a good thing?" you asked, smirking slightly.

   He laughed nervously, leaning back in his chair. He heavily sighed. "I guess so."

"But damn I better look beautiful. I spent four hours in that bathroom. I've inhaled so much hairspray. Is this what it's like being an idol?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. I've inhaled more hairspray than the factory workers that produce it."

"At least you always look on point. That makes up for it."

He shrugged, biting his lip and smiling cutely. He was still admiring you. Who could blame him? You looked beautiful.

"So how many valentines is this?" You asked above the sounds of knives scraping porcelain plates and the clinking of wine glasses, as well as the low rumble of voices from around the dimly lit restaurant.

He smirked. "Don't you have this on your calendar or something?"

He had a point. You had everything on a kitten themed calendar laying around somewhere in your house. Either the dining room or the living room. It's location was a mystery to you.

You returned the sly smile. "Jokes on you, smartass, I can't find my calendar."

He gasped, mocking surprise by touching his hand to his chest. "Not the kitty cat calendar!" You nodded smugly in response.

"Well let's see..." he began to count his fingers. "This is the fourth Valentine's Day we've spent together."

"And the first at an actual restaurant," you chimed in.

"Hey," he said defensively, "you never deny takeout." You nodded in agreement. He wasn't wrong.

He took a few sips of his wine, still staring admirably at you.

You stared back for a while. "So where's the fancy lingerie?" you asked, catching him completely off guard.

He choked on his drink, sending streaks of white wine traveling down his chin and some spraying onto the black tablecloth in front of him. "The what?"

As he cleaned up the wine, you explained, "Well we've never been to a restaurant for Valentine's Day before. So it must be for a special occasion. Maybe you're just buttering me up, waiting for the right moment to hand me a box and telling me to change in the bathroom right there." you pointed towards the restroom behind the empty bar area. "Then you'll pull me out of the restaurant before we even get our entrees to have nice, passionate sexy time with you."

"Excuse me?" He asked, stupefied.

"Where's the box, Yoongi?"

His eyes grew wider by the millisecond. "There is no box, ____!"

You studied him for a bit, then leaned back in your chair once more. "Okay I believe you"

Yoongi sighed, leaning back as well. Clearly he was glad that the conversation was over.

"I wouldn't object to it though," you added, considering what you would actually do if the situation you described actually occurred.

He perked up at your comment. "Really?"

Leaning onto your elbows, you smirked. "Oh definitely."

He smiled eagerly. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go," he spat out, standing up from his seat.

"I think you misunderstood me. We eat first, then we can go fulfill any fantasy you have going on in your head. Deal?"

He nodded vigorously, opening up his menu.


Lmao I can't write an innocent chap without making some of it about sex I'm so immature.

Hope you liked this chap. Give it a vote and a comment saying how much you love yoongi.

Love you all,

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