Dating Jimin

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-buckle ur seatbelts bitches cuz this is a wild ride
-jimin is honestly so fucking smooth you'd probably fall in love with him quick af
-i feel like he'd fall fast and hard but he wouldn't want to admit it to you until a couple months in
-but when he does he just unlocked a whole new part of him you've never seen
-he's loud and clumsy and adorable n i think you'd finally get to see that side of him rather than the flirtatious side
-so I really really think he'd fall for someone like him: cute and flirtatious and outgoing, someone who smiles a lot
-but enough introduction lets get to the good stuff
-eye smiles d ear lord
-for some reason this kid is really apologetic so he's al w ays apologizing
-and ur like "Jimin I swear to god s t o p you have literally nothing to be sorry about"
-he would never fail to use cheesy pickup lines
-if your mother tongue isn't korean he'd make a point to say his pickup lines in your language
-"hello beautiful"
-he'd always tell u that ur beautiful like it could be 6 am and u look like trash and "sigh, Jagi ur beautiful"
-is it just me or is he the jealous type????
-like if he saw you w another guy he'd dramatically sigh
-yall feel me???
-i mean I personally couldn't deal w that but if you can get ready bc its coming
-i feel like he's lowkey clingy
-not in public or anything. Maybe if yall are alone or even just with the other members but he's seriously attached to you like he really does not know what space is
-jimin is like that cheesy boyfriend who posts all of your selfies together on instagram
-he probably religiously practices selfie sunday
-ok can we get into the good stuff now
-he loves kissing you
-it's just his favorite form of skinship I guess
-he'd pucker his lips when he wants u to kiss him and gets all salty when you don't
-he loves lip biting and tongue sucking
-i can just see it
-and he's probably really touchy too
-totally not afraid to let his hands wander
-a lot of times the heated makeouts wouldn't go anywhere ??
-like yall would kiss n go back to what you're doing
-but when they do go somewhere OH BOY
-can we have the sex talk??
-were having the sex talk
-sometimes i look at jimin n I'm just like "wow he's such a bottom"
-but maybe a power bottom
-sometimes its very vanilla but sometimes he just really needs it and it could be at bighit in the janitor's closet or in the back row of the movie theater
-likes to look at you n just admire you bc you're so beautiful to him
-ok thats all for today
-but this boy is highly sensitive and kinda insecure so please make him feel loved
-he's really hard on himself so you have to hype him up yk
-and one day he might believe you
-but you best believe he'd always make sure you knew how wonderful you are
-he'd treat you like the queen you are so please treat him like the prince he is
-he heavily fw aegyo. heavily
-i feel like he'd pinch your cheeks
-if you're cute he's automatically in love
-he'd probably say it's cute when you like play with his fingers and all the rings he wears
-and he'd be all smooth like
-"u know why my ring finger is empty?"
-"cuz one day you'll put a wedding ring on it"
-did i mention he's flirtatious ??
-but he's also very meticulous i feel and notices all the little things and panics about them
-like if there's no more milk he'd freak out
-but ur like "chill I'm about to go to the store"
-did i mention how clumsy he is??
-the members confirmed that he's the clumsiest member at a buzzfeed interview so we know for sure this kid is out there
-he'd occasionally spill something or rip something (hope you can sew lol)
-n sometimes he'd lose his balance and just like fall over
-he really really wants to impress you all the time
-he'd flex his muscles a lot
-"Like what you see, jagiya?"
-maybe if you liked working out (i do lol,,, just me?? ok) you'd have gym dates
-ooh oOH you know how he slips into a satoori accent????
-and it gets deep and raspy sometimes
-expect that a lot
-in the mornings, at night, when he's in the mood
-but all jokes and sexual talk aside he loves you with all his heart and everyone can see that jimin is happier with you
-sometimes he'd just hold ur hand and squeeze it tight and be like "I love u a lot"
-"I love you too, Jimin"

-oh I almost forgot that he probably likes when u call him oppa just saying

I'm gonna do a "Dating ____"series so be prepared

I thought I'd start off strong with everyone's bias wrecker


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