Let It Snow ♡ KTH

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This will be my last Christmas themed Songfiction since I've only written one and Christmas is already over. After that I'll be doing regular songs! ~Ellie

"When we finally kiss good night, how I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you'll really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm"

"___, do you really have to leave? Look at the snow! You'll freeze to death." Your new boyfriend Taehyung was holding your hands so tightly you didn't know if you could have left.

"I'm sorry, Tae I have to go. My roommate will worry about me. I told her I wouldn't spend the night."

He gave you a sad look before nodding. "Okay. I'll get your coat." When he returned, he held it out for you to slip your arms in.

You'd only been dating for about a week now, and you thought it was going pretty well. He was sweet, adorable, kind, funny, and of course, he was super hot. This was your third "date" and you could tell Tae wanted to continue with your relationship, which was probably the best news ever to you.

After helping you with your coat, he looked at you with an exaggerated pout. His chocolate brown eyes sparkled as he looked at you. "Bye, ___," he said sadly, holding his arms out for a hug.

"Bye, Tae," you said as you accepted his embrace. "I had fun. If you like, we could meet at my house tomorrow. Maybe noon?"

He nodded excitedly. "I'd like that," he said, flashing you his famous rectangle smile. You smiled before turning to open the door. You waved before stepping outside.

As you turned to close the door, you heard Tae call, "___, wait!" As you turned to face him, he grabbed your hand, pulling you into him. His lips collided with yours and his hands rested around your waist.

Even though you didn't expect him to do something like this, it felt natural. You fell into the kiss, resting your hands on either side of his face. After about five seconds, Tae broke the kiss. You smiled at each other, your hands remaining comfortably in their positions.

As if on cue, you both started giggling like schoolchildren before he pecked you again. "Goodbye, Jagi," he said as your hands slid off his face and his let go of your waist to meet yours.

"Goodbye, Kim Taehyung. I'll see you tomorrow." He finally closed the door and you turned to get in your car.

The cold air had no effect on you, the warmth that radiated from Taehyung still wrapped around you. As you felt your face hurting from smiling so much, it was in that moment that you knew you were in love.


Hope you liked this super cheesy fic! Also sorry I keep forgetting to put pics of the members with the fics. I'll do it next time I promise!


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