Beep... beep...beep, there is was. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen, a heartbeat.

" We got her ladies!! Let's work! We gotta save this woman!!!"
I cried tears of relief and saw a little colour go into her cheeks. She was alive and stop breathing. I grabbed Felix and held him up.

I was crying and he was giggling I doubt he even understood what was happening. People around us clapped and I felt such joy. There was hope again.

I sat by Marinette for hours, eventually she was in a stable condition. Her ruined wedding dress replaced by a white hospital gown.

Her internal bleeding had been fixed and now, she was fine. I felt so happy that my Lady was alright.

I slept overnight at the hospital with Felix, who cried some more for his mom. But she needed rest and peace. To heal her body, today was a rollercoaster.

// Marinette's POV//

I woke up and felt really druggy, I couldn't place where I was. Until I remembered the headlights and the sirens. I remembered feeling very cold and empty. Until I heard it, it was a call to warmth. I grabbed it and now was here.

" Adrien?"
There was a shuffle and he was by my side. A sleepy baby in his arms, I smiled and hugged him.

He explains all that happened to me. I felt so glad I was alive.

" When your heart stopped so did mine. I thought my life was ruined forever. I just kept thinking horrible things. It was the worst minute of my life. Until he said it, Felix called you mommy and you came back. It was just... miraculous."
He started crying and I held him close and held Felix in my arms.

" When did you learn how to talk my little Kitty. Your only a few months old, cute little Minou."
I saw Adrien give me a lopsided goofy smile.

" You can't give little Felix all my nicknames."
I smiled, and hugged them both.

" Marinette?? Adrien??"
I recognised those voices anywhere, Tikki and Plagg. While we had been raising Felix they had been such a big help. But they had stayed home for the wedding because they had a little wedding of their own.

" We came as soon as we were able. Are you okay Marinette?"
Tikki whispered as she nuzzled me, Felix giggle and lightly grabbed her. Hugging her little big body. She played with him as Plagg floated up to me.

" I'm glad your okay kid, not just for your sake but Adrien's and Tikki's . Your one of the toughest Ladybugs I've ever known. You'll make it through anything life has to offer.


//Adriens POV//
A little fluff
We were finally back at the Dupain Bakery. Sabine had treats for us, which we ate heartily. We had just finished out honeymoon, which had been delayed until Marinette was released from the hospital.

Little Felix stayed with Sabine while Marinette and I enjoyed our time together in America. We had lots of great memories and lots of love and time to be together.

But now all we wanted was to be together with Felix as a family. Which we soon got into the cute routine of a family. I got a job in the baking industry with Sabine. While Marinette got big in fashion. Making a name for herself, while always working from home and spending lots of time with me and Felix.

I sold the Agreste Mansion and we bought our own home close to the Bakery so we saw Sabine all the time. My mother happened to be a regular visitor and worked on her bond with me.

She loved Felix, being a grandmother made her proud.

Everything was as it should have been for a long time. We were happy... I was so so happy.


I heard a window being smashed, I woke up and jumped out of bed. Marinette woke up beside me.

" Felix!"

I grabbed a bat beside the bed and headed to the next room. I went inside and ran to the crib, only to find out it was empty.

Except a note inside...

Adrien Agreste... meet me alone at the Eiffel Tower. We have many things to talk about. Come alone and unarmed and the baby remains unharmed. If you do not come before morning a little accident may happen with a precious child. Meet me under my terms and we'll have no problem...

I ran into the room and told Marinette, who freaked out and started crying. But their was determination in her eyes. We formed our plan, our plan to follow his rules.

I arrived at nearly dawn at our meeting spot. To find a man a little older than me, who looked eerily similar to me. I saw Felix cradled in a small rocking crib asleep. He looked unharmed.

" Are you alone?"
I nodded, his voice was smooth and monotone.

" You didn't call anyone? Or tell your stupid whore wife anything?"
I was angry, but he had my baby and that was his advantage.

" No, I didn't tell her anything. She thinks I'm milk shopping with Felix. She's fast asleep in her bed and I'm here alone. Now please hand over Felix."
I stated my lie very calmly, though he was laughing.

" Not until we've talked, then he shall be returned safe and sound to your house."
I didn't like the sound of this,

" Who are you?"
I asked, trying to keep him distracted so Ladybug could grab Felix from behind him. He laughed again, though he didn't sound amused.

" Didn't dear old dad ever tell you about me... Dearest younger brother."
I was shocked, I had an older brother? That explained the similarities.

" But... why now... why this way... what purpose."
I was stuttering, his expression turned cold.

" Because I was Emilie's child before she had you! But I wasn't Gabriel's, so they sent me away to maintain the family image. Then they had you, the perfect son. I hated you, you got her live while I lived away with a nanny I hated. Mother never came, even for my birthday. So I planned revenge on you."
I was shocked, why didn't anyone tell me. Then it struck me, he said revenge.

" What revenge?"
I asked coldly,

" I was born very smart and creative. You think you bad luck was coincidence? No! It was me from the start. I poisoned her drink which caused the early onset Labour, it didn't kill her or the baby. So I went for my second plan, I blew up the hospital. I took down dear old dad, but you all made it out. Frustrated I planned for a few more months. You wedding night, I used an old trick again. I blew up an nearby factory and got in a car and hit your lovely wife. Again! She lived... so now. Im desperate, can you believe it?!"
He was laughing while I was in total shock. It was all him, everything was him from the beginning. All my bad luck was him and he got away with it all. Until now, he was going to pay for this. I glared at him, hatred for my newfound brother pouring out of me. He grabbed my shoulder and leaned into me.

" Either you jump off this tower and die, right here right now. Or I throw the baby over the edge and find your wife and finally see the woman who refuses to die."

I froze as I saw Ladybug close to the crib. She nearly had him, she needs a little longer to get away.

" Okay, you win! I'll jump and you return my baby safe home, right?"
I had a plan in mind,

" Yes, I give my word. Once your dead, I'll be at peace knowing mom and dad will suffer and feel what I felt."

I stepped on the edge and jumped, knowing my plan of action.

" Plagg! Claws Out!!"
I transformed and swooped around landing back on the building. Where my brother was gaping surprised.

" You messed with the wrong man and the wrong family."
I punched his nose and he was out like a light. I heard a giggle from Felix when I punched his nose. I looked over at my wife and son, I hugged them and felt happy.

" It's all over now... we're finally at peace."

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