Carnival of Surpises

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They arrived at 10 in the evening. Mrs. Bustier told everyone that tomorrow they would be going to a amusement park tomorrow so be ready at 8:00 in the lobby.

Adrien set Marinette down on the ground and grabbed both of their luggage. She walked quietly beside him while he got their stuff.

Her ankles were so fat and swollen and so were her fingers. She felt like she had been bloating like a balloon today.

When they got in their room Marinette got into shorts and crawled into bed, clearly exhausted from traveling. Even though she hadn't even done anything all day.

He quickly changed out of his cloths and scooted in with her. Their bodies fit together perfectly and he put his hand lightly on her stomach.

At this moment the baby kicked and he gasped. Marinette felt awestruck at the kick, even though she had felt them before it was still amazing.

"It's amazing isn't it? He's been kicking for a while now."

" He?! How do you know?"

" I don't, it just feels like I'm going to have a boy. I don't know why I just think thats what it will be."

" That's amazing Mari, can I feel him kick some more?"

" Of course Mon Chaton. What do you think we should name it? I mean having a good solid name is important.

He thought about it, we went through names for a long time. Picking out good ones and discarding bad ones.

Eventually they decided on four names that they both liked.

" I think we should name it Felix or Hugo if it's a boy. I think I like Emma as a girl or Bridgette, my Lady."

" Those are beautiful names, I really like them. Felix... or Emma."

She felt a burst of joy as they had narrowed down her child's names depending on what it would be.

They snuggled into each other and Adrien fell asleep to his lady's heartbeat and a few kicks from her baby. In the morning he woke her up at 7:00 so they could be up on time to go to the Carnival.

Marinette was taking a shower slowly when she heard the curtain move. Adrien was standing there with just a towel around his waist. It made her hormones go crazy.

" Mind if I join you My Lady?"

He had a shit eating grin upon his face. She knew exactly what he was thinking. Marinette flicked water into his face for being naughty then beckoned him in.

He let the towel fall and stepped in. He went behind her and turned off the shower and let bath began. She tried to calm her crazy pregnant hormones.

" Relax My Lady."

He sat her down gently and began to rub the sore spots on her back. Which felt amazing, he knew where to press and what to rub, getting out all her kinks. Occasionally kissing her neck and back.

Marinette didn't know how much she needed the massage until he gave it to her. It allowed her to de stress a bit and just relax. Especially her back since it was sore a lot these days.

" That's wonderful Adrien. Feels so good."

Adrien smiled happy he was able to help.
" My father taught me how to do it. Showed me right before we left, he says with my mom it helped to much."

" It does, thank you father for me."
He finished his massage and then they actually washed up. Marinette got dressed quickly. She felt a little lonely without Tikki and she knew Adrien was too.

Little SurprisesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora