Don't resist my Blueberries!!!

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For the first time she actually noticed the wedding ring for real. It was a pretty big wedding ring. The diamond in the middle was huge, a really big one. The kind rich people wore, and she would be lying if she said it didn't make her nervous.

Then off to the sides there were tinier diamond. She looked on the inside part of the wedding ring where her finger touched.

It had red and black and green gems incrusted in the band. To represent Chat and her and you couldn't see it from the outside. As well as an engraving, 'I will always love you Bugaboo.'

It was now her most prized possession. She began to bake some cookies when her mom came in and hugged her, congratulating her on her engagement.

Her mother said she knew that the moment Chat was over that she was Ladybug.

Then Adrien walked in and she ran to him. Holding him in her embrace.

" It smells no nice, I love to just bask in the aroma of cookies and the bakery. As well as you of course my Lady."

She giggled and hugged her kitten with as much affection she could muster into one hug.

They decided to get married after the baby was born. She didn't want to be pregnant at her wedding.

Her and Adrien spent the weekend together and just talking about the future. When school came Monday she was disappointed.

She didn't want to return to school, especially now that she felt it was way more obvious to see her stomach.

For school she had to take her engagement ring off and even though she had only had it for a while. The comfort weight on her finger was sorely missed.

~2 moths later~

Now her belly was starting to actually show, three months nearly. Her being as skinny as she was, she was surprised at its showing nonetheless.

Adrien said it was beautiful that she was pregnant. He said that her skin had a beautiful glow to it.

Today for school she wore a loose fitting blouse to cover her stomach and jeans.

Another problem was that her boobs were getting a lot bigger. So a lot of her bras didn't quite fit.

So her and Adrien went to a maternity store and got some stuff. Honestly a lot of her cloths weren't even close to fitting. 

It was quite funny to her to see how uncomfortable Adrien was in the maternity store. He didn't seem to like the attention he was getting from other expecting mothers.

They seemed to judge him for being in here with Marinette. Who was quite young as well as he was, they all judged the young couple trying to shop for cloths.

The next morning they ate breakfast quickly at the Agreste mansion. Which they usually didn't because his father loved to talk designs with Marinette.

His father was more social now, especially to Marinette. But since he wasn't here the breakfast went hurriedly.

They took Adrien's Limo to school and when they were dropped off Marinette went to Alya and Adrien went to Nino.

They were still trying to keep up appearances of not knowing each other very well.
As soon as he went to Nino a yellow creature nearly attacked him.

Adrien honestly hated Chloe now and just wanted to get rid of her. For some reason lately she had been clinging to him and it pissed Marinette off.

Which meant he was getting super pissed at Chloe. He wanted Marinette to be the happiness she could be at all times. Happy Wife, Happy Life he told himself often. Even though they weren't married quite yet.

Little SurprisesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα