All it takes is just once

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She woke up in her bed this time, in her room. She also had her PJ's on this time.

Though she saw Chat was next to her , his suit was gone but his mask, and everything on his face remained.

Last night they hadn't done anything, they had just cuddled until they both fell asleep. She was curled into him right now and he was just ball of warmth.

She just kept snuggling into him listening to his steady heartbeat. It was such a comfort to her, just listening to the silence and him.

Until she heard him rustle a little, she didn't want him to get up.

When Chat finally got up they decided to spend the day together. She made Chat a hat that made it look like his ears were part of the hat. They called it the Chat Hat.

She gave him some sunglasses to cover his mask and normal cloths and then they were off. They spent the whole day at the park running around getting ice cream and doing really fun stuff. Just her and him and it made her wonder if this was what he wanted to do with Ladybug before.

Through the next week Chat said he was crazy busy and he only visited at nights to cuddle. Which made her very sad, cause those were the best days with her and Chat. It was a long and boring week for her, who longed for her Kittens company.

The next week Chat was freer so after school almost everyday they hung out at the bakery with her mom. When they told her mother that she and Chat were dating she had been quite delighted. She said that she was proud of her daughter and of Chat. Happy her daughter would be safe and protected.

How Marinette would laugh at this thought later in the year. Though she didn't know it yet.

She was now teaching him how to bake macaroons perfectly.

Though today was Friday they always sold a ton of croissants on Fridays and she had just taught Chat a secret recipe the family had. Which Chat said he would guard with his life, making her giggle.

But now she was laughing cause he said he was hungry and had just finished his 6th! croissant, and starting another one.

He spent all afternoon at the bakery and with Marinette. She only sent him home after he'd nearly eaten out the supply of Croissants and Macaroons. As well as a suspicious supply of Camembert though she had never seen him himself eat it.

~ Saturday~
Nothing really happened on this Saturday.
Chat was busy in his civilian form and Marinette got caught up on some sleep. Which was much needed because she was always up.

~ Sunday~
She woke up feeling super nauseous. She ran to the toilet and began to throw up and it kept coming and coming.

She heard a knock on her window. She called for him to come in. She knew it was Chat cause he was the only one who came in that way.

Chat came in and she felt that he was almost immediately at her side.

" Princess are you okay?"
" Yes Chaton, I just need to rest for the day as I'm not feeling to well."

She proceeded to throw up again while Chat held her hair and patted her back.

He helped her get through the terrible puking session, comforting her. It lasted a really long time before she could do nothing about it.

Afterwards when the terrible puking finally stopped.

She washed her mouth and brushed her teeth and showered while Chat waited in her room. When she was done and made sure she didn't smell like puke she sat on the bed next to Chat.

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