The White Grave and the Red Wedding

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1 month later

This morning we had a quiet funeral in a small cemetery in England. Gabriel had been born and raised here instead of Paris. He had intended to go to school in Paris and move back. But a certain blond woman had enticed him to stay.

His grave was the newest one here and it broke my heart to see Adrien so sad.

" I'm here for you..."
I quietly whispered to him... We held hands while little Felix sat quietly in a small papoose. He was a quiet baby, he hardly ever cried and was always happy. People said I was lucky and should be careful with him. I was told he was one of the cutest babies people had ever seen. That if I wasn't careful he could get taken from me. But I was always careful, he was so precious to me.

Right now he was sleeping so I was staring at his fluff of blond hair. He was so tiny and I just couldn't believe it.

Adrien was over by his father's grave, putting red and white roses over it. I felt someone walk beside me.

" Adrien was my biggest regret when I left. He always had such a soft and kind heart. Even for those who did nothing to deserve his kindness."

I was surprised by the soft tones of the voice behind me. I turned around and their she was, Emilie Agreste. She was a very petite blond woman, her eyes were green like Adrien and her hair was a little darker than his. She smiled at me, secrets alive in her eyes. She extended a hand towards me.

" Hi, I'm Emilie Agreste, sorry for startling you! I heard on the news of my husbands death. I'm saddened, but I have had time to separate myself from him."

I saw her eyes were filled with many shadows and regrets of the past. But she wasn't looking at the grave, she was looking at Adrien. She regretted leaving him. She turned to me again, the shadows masked once more.

" Are you Adrien's friend? I'm glad your here to support him. He needs it..."
I was about to correct her and thank her when he turned around. His expression dropped replaced by surprise and happiness. But as he started walking over it became more and more angry. Her expression turned to panic.

" Son I- "

" Where were you!? I've called and left you so many messages!! Telling you all that's happened and trying to get you to come back!! Why are you here now!!?"
She was shocked and he was angry, Felix started crying. I took him out of the papoose and rocked him trying to calm him down. Emilie looked at me, her expression annoyed.

" Nice meeting you, but this is family business now. Keep him quiet please, I've never had a fondness for loud children."
I ignored her, kept rocking Felix. He was calming down more.

" Mom! You have no right to say that at all. Marinette is more my family than you have been for nearly 7 years."
He was crying, I wanted to hug him. But I kept my distance. Emilie was angry as well now.

" How is she more your family! I'm your mother! She's just a friend, she didn't raise you and help you be who you are!"
She was yelling and it wasn't helping Felix. He was crying louder now.

" Shhh, Shh little Kitty, it's alright."
I started singing in an hushed tone. He calmed down a little, still sniffling.

" You left when I was twelve, I needed my mother. Dad was controlling and so strict and I couldn't handle him grieving as well. You left me alone to face that. You abandoned me, completely. Family doesn't do that, especially a mother. When you left I got to go to public school. Where I made friends and where I became someone special. I was blessed with the experience of falling in love. I fell in love with her, with Marinette. She became my family, with little Felix, my son. So she is more my family than you will ever be."
I held his hand in an attempt to comfort him. Emilie looked in shock and me and Felix. She reached out to touch him but she stopped and retracted her hand.

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