Beach Daze

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When they got back to the hotel they invited Alya and Nino to have a little party in their hotel room. To socialise and just talk with each other privately.

They accepted saying they would be over to their room in 10. They said they wanted to change into more comfy cloths first.

When Marinette and Adrien got to their room they started to pick it up. Even though they had only been there a day the hotel room was strewn with cloths. From both Marinette and Adrien, though mostly Marinette.

When the room was tidy he sat Marinette down on the bed. He got out blueberry bagel with blueberry cream cheese, which was still the current craving. Marinette scarfed it down clearly happy to be eating the delicious treat.

He sat behind her and started to give her a back rub. Making sure he got out all he kinks and rubbed the sore spots on her back.

He took her shoes off and her jacket and just made her comfortable. Wrapping her in a warm blanket so that she was very comfy and content.

She was enjoying this so much, this late in her pregnancy being up and about was a bit tiring on her body. He went back behind her and began to rub her shoulders.

That's when Alya and Nino entered the room. They were both in PJ's or very comfy cloths, Nino still had his ever present headphones on.

" Wow, the true epitome of pregnancy right here. "

Alya snickered, clearly laughing at Adrien rubbing my shoulders

" If it make my Princess happy I would do it. I would do anything for her."

"Princess?" , questioned Nino

" Yeah, it's my nickname for Marinette, my little endearment."

Marinette was blushing at this point, Adrien was so so sweet to her always. Though Alya looked like she couldn't even believe what she was hearing.

" I still can't get over the fact that you are are: A; a couple, B; pregnant and engaged, C; Chat Noir and Ladybug! It just seems a little insane to be honest."

Adrien turned to Marinette,
" It does seem a little crazy, but I love it. I love my Princess so much Alya. It doesn't matter if she's pregnant or Ladybug or not, she's perfect."

Alya turned to Nino,
" You got some big shoes too fill mister. "

Nino turned really red and glared at Adrien.

" Dude... I'm trying to be impressive and snatch myself my own beautiful vixen. But if you keep saying stuff like that... it's not gonna happen!"

They all burst out laughing, even though Nino and Alya were as red as Ladybugs suit.

Marinette gasped, dropping the bagel from her hand.

" What's wrong?!"

Came from 3 people at the exact same time. Marinette put her hand on her belly, and smiled.

" Nothing guys! The baby just kicked, it's really strong."

Alya and Nino's eyes widened, Alya stepped forward.

" Can I feel Marinette? I've never felt a baby kick before that isn't one of my younger sisters."

Marinette pulled her shirt up to reveal the creamy skin that was stretched out over her belly. Alya gingerly put her hand on Marinette's stomach. The baby kicked again and Alya made a noise of wonderment.

" That's awesome Girl!"

They talked about the baby for a little while longer. Discussing things like names and gender and Marinette's health.

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