Chapter Fifteen: Within a blink of an eye

Start from the beginning

“Let’s just talk about something else okay!” he nodded feeling the tension build up. “Why have you been on edge so much recently" I placed the mascara brush back in the tube sighing. “Don’t know what you mean” I mumbled. “Yes you do I know you well enough by know, Alex told me these packages keep arriving and your jumpy around your phone again” I didn’t know if I should feel sad or frustrated at the fact Alex had told Austin. “Are you going to tell me or leave me hanging?” he spoke getting aggravated. I rubbed my face not knowing where to start. “How about we leave it and just have a good night!” I demanded asking him a rhetorical question leaving the bathroom.

I was all ready as I got my zipper stuck half way, I scrambled around the bathroom trying to get it unstuck when Austin walked in a confused look on his face. The expression soon faded when he looked at the mess and my hands suffocating the zipper. He pointed at himself I nodded turning to him as he walked over and slowly with no effort zipped it up to the top. Typical I struggle 10 minutes and he does it in seconds I laughed to myself. "Me Zach and Robert are going in one car and you Demi and Alex are going in the other car" before I could question him he’d left the room leaving the smell of his cologne lingering in the air.

I quickly fixed a few fly always when I heard a knock at the door, following with Alex entering the room. “Hey girly were leaving in a few you look pretty! Oh and umm could you sit in the back I was thinking about talking to Demi on the way” he spoke nervously rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. “Sure AC no problem ill pack my headphones so I can act like I’m not listening” I replied winking clearly making him more nervous.

It was weird getting into a blacked out suv on our way to our first award show but it sure was dam exciting!! It’s crazy to think Austin and YouTube had got us all here! I did as I had been asked getting into the back on the car Demi gave me a weird look when I sent her to sit shotgun. Alex jumped into the driver’s seat once his eyes set on Demi I thought they were going to pop out of his head. Kicking his chair it brought him back to laugh as he coughed turning the keys to the car.

His reaction made her giggle these two just need to tell each other, it’s pretty obvious I sat back relaxing placing my ear phones in my ear. The car ride seemed to drag on forever when things seemed to get serious in front I paused Mr Bieber on my phone. “Fuck man quit cutting me up!!" Alex shouted at the driver a head he looked over at Demi. “I’m sorry about my language everyone knows what I get like in the car” she giggled causing him to calm down. “Demi” he spoke up as she turned to him I slumped in my chair pretending to dance to the non-existent beat in my ears. “We’ve been friends for a while you know how much I care for you… but recently well actually longer than that I found myself….” Go on Alex say it you can say it!

“I’ve found myself wanting more than us to be friends” after he finished there was a pause of silence it was awkward just silence when she spoke. “Alex I I feel the same….!” I almost screamed when she said it but that would tell them I was listening. “Really you have no idea how happy that makes me!” he shouted making her chuckle while I sat there dying from the cuteness. She grabbed his hand as his whole body tensed in shock at her touch. And in a blink of an eye everything just like that everything changed.

The car in front back into us and reversed making Alex panic and swerve out of the way crashing off the bride and into the river. Adrenaline rushed as we didn’t realise what had happened until water began to seep into the vehicle. “Alex!” I screamed pulling my seatbelt it was stuck tears fell from my eyes as I tugged harder I screamed panicking! The water begun pouring in second by second drowning us in the dark deep river for no one to see or hear. The night sky begun to escape my view the car started to submerge lower. Alex reached over pulling on the seat belt but it wouldn’t budge. “UGG no it won’t open!” Alex began shouting as his voice cracked tears falling down his cheeks. “Alex” I whispered he shook his head. “Alex go its okay” “

No its not I’m not leaving you Cara! He demanded pulling hopelessly on the seatbelt when Demi placed her hand on his shoulder tears filling in her eyes. “Demi go I can’t make Alex leave but I will not let you stay hear not when you can get out so easily! Don’t argue with me I love you and I’m not going to let you die here! She closed her eyes breathing in slowly her body shaking the water had reached out knees and we exceeding fast. She buried her head in her hands and rocked back and forth, sobbing as she did so, the tears streaming down her face.

Her hand rested on mine kissing it tears pouring from her eyes whereas Alex sat there silent. He sat there quiet, his arms wrapped tightly around himself in a hug, hoping to comfort himself. His cheeks stained with the endless stream of tears from his glossy eyes, enduring the emotional pain which engulf him. “I loved you Cara I’m going to get help and were going to get out of this I promise!” her words didn’t have any effect on me as I knew it wasn’t likely as long as she got out I knew I would be okay! Her hands cupped Alex’s soft cheeks and she brushed her soft lips against his the light kiss so meaningful yet innocent. “Alex I love you so much and I know you love Cara but please come with me” she begged the sadness in her eyes.

“I love you too I really do but I can’t leave her!” she nodded understanding. She sighed kissing Alex once again as she held her breath her hand took grip of the door handle opening it the water flowed in the icy cold surrounded us. Demi closed the door placing her hand on the glass leaving our sight the car was now completely submerged under water. It had now reached out chest Alex had moved to the back sitting next to me holding each other to rescue any body heat.

“Who would of thought here I am staring death in the face a second time” my teeth chattered as I spoke when Alex’s jaw clenched. “I should have been more careful we wouldn’t be here if I weren’t so stupid” he shivered sobbing burying his face against mine. “Listen to me this isn’t your fault it’s that asshole’s up there! You heard Demi she’s going to get you out! I forced myself to smile through the pain of the numbness which had taken over. The water crept up to our chins as I held Alex’s hand squeezing it tight this was going to happen. I’m glad he stayed even though I wish he was safe I’m glad I’m not alone.

“Austin has no idea where down here he is going to think we have ditched instead” his voice cracked once again as the sound of his name felt like a knife had stabbed me in the chest. "OMG Cara your lips are blue!" Alex spoke concerned as I looked down the water was now up to my lips I tilted my head up to allow to inhale air. "I'm okay really just a little cold I didn't realize it would fill up so fast!" He nodded in agreement as he copied me by tilted his head also. "Screw this I'm going to keep at the dam belt!" Alex demanded there really was no point in arguing with his he clearly needed distraction and for the first time in my life I needed my over active brain to kick in.

This would be the perfect time to over think and escape but no my body didn't want any of it!    My head would no long tilt back any further this was it once the water had another inch there was no way I could get oxygen. It was creeping up as I held my breath hoping I'd just fade away that it would be over I felt a pressure disappear. "I got it it won't help much but now you can move and find extra space for air!" Alex explained it felt so good to no longer be held down by some stupid seat belt. It felt as if we'd been down here for hours like the day was going by up there. "What you thinking about?" AC questioned.

  "What am I not thinking about would be an easier question to answer AC..." I confused as he understood perfectly. "You thinking about Austin?" He's reply took me by surprise because I was indeed thinking about him and what he'd do when he found out I'm down here. "It's cool I understand you two are complicated like me and Demi right?" I sighed "right" he smiled sympathetically. Speaking became impossible as the water covered our lips. My hands then pressed against the ceiling revealing the last few inches or free air till we were out. It was so perfect I wish I could store it to keep us going. Alex's hand reached for mine entwining our fingers together he was a safety blanket for me right now. Not that I’m calm or anything but if he weren't here I'd of lost my mind a long time back. This was it the air was almost gone I treasured my last few inhales as I held my breath as deep as it would go.

The space above sealed off left the car completely filled with water I opened my eyes to see Alex next to me his eyes pressed shut. I swam over and held him in my arms when I felt my eyes begin to ache and want to close. 

A burning sensation rapidly spread I my lungs they wanted to breathe but there is no air I'm lost in the dark and all I want is him. All I want is Austin...  

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