Chapter 5: Reunion...

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Delsin's POV

After I told Yang to call HER family and mom I looked at Ruby and saw her mad at Yang as well.

Del:'s least we'll see mom...

Ruby: I know...but I'm not happy for what they did to mom...lying and saying we died...

I held Ruby close and whispered in her ear.

Del: If anything happens...I will disintegrate them...all of them...except mom...

Ruby: Don''s okay...we could handle them...

Del: Okay...but...I won't let Yang or her damn family hurt I always did remember?...

Ruby didn't respond but hugged me tightly and nodded and had a tear slide down her face...after a minute Yang walked up looking sad...

Yang: They'll....they'll be here tomorrow in the morning...

Del: What did you tell them Yang...

Yang: I told them that you and Ruby were alive and...

Del: AND!?!

Yang: Told them not to tell Aunt Summer...

Del: Why!?!

Yang: You a...surprise?...

Ruby: Fine! Freaking...what ever...

Del: Come on Rubes...let's head to my dorm...

Ruby: ...Okay...

Me and Ruby began to walk away from Yang and her new team but Yang stopped us.

Yang: Hey wait! What about me and your team Ruby? We have our own dorm you know?...

Ruby: I know. And I have nothing against them but...I can't ever stand being in the same room as YOU. Come on Delsin. Let's see if Brother Reggie can make those cookies I like.

Del: *chuckles*...Hey...I thought my cookies were the best you've had?

Ruby: I know. I just like big bro's cookies a little more than yours, especially when they...aren't burnt.

Del: *smiles and holds his chest*...Rubes I'm hurt. You betrayed me for the last time Ruby Rose!

I then pick up Ruby and playfully shook her around like a muppet, all while Yang was in front of us sad and tears in her eyes for how happy we was all funny till Yang spoke.

Yang: Wait...who's Reggie?

Reggie: That would be me.

Reggie then walked up and rose his hand to signify it was him.

Reggie: And you must be Yang Xiao Long?

Yang: Yes...why?

Reggie: Well I'm Ruby and Delsin's big brother.

Yang: So...we're both the big-

Reggie: You're no big sister to them, or a little sister to are a worthless, heartless, monster. And you should be lucky I don't arrest you in the name of the Vale police.

Yang: *gets angry but soon stops at the cop part*...When did you first meet Delsin and Ruby?...

Reggie: Met them when I came back to the tribe of the Akomish. They were very nice and very silent....then after a while I got close to them both since us three were under the care of Momma Betty. Heh...I still remember the day me and Delsin got our pet rabbits, Suzy and Leslie, he loved them so much...I still have the picture.

Smoking Roses (Abused and Neglected Delsin Rowe/Ruby Rose x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now