Part 6.5: Lunch Time and Rank up

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Delsin POV

It's been a day since we got mom back and we decided to take her to our lunch, well she insisted since she's wanted to have some food with us on our lunch break, my team and Ruby's and Yang sat down with JNPR as he just shoot the shits as Reg would say. Me and Ruby were talking about new sketches to make into stencils to make later much to Reggies groans.

Ruby: So me and Delsin were curious of making new stencils, I actually wanted to ask him if you guys have ideas and or commissions you want us to do.

Ren: Isn't this considered illegal?

Reg: Very...

Delsin: Ah don't be wet blankets.

I smiled a bit especially seeing it annoy Reg.

Pyrrha: Well I think it's rather....expressive even though it could cause you some trouble.

Weiss: Still it's vandalism and trespassing wherever you two nincompoops put these.

Eugene: I guys make graffiti art?..

Delsin: Yeah, we made a lot of them in this city. Billboards, walls, hell even flags and hang them up.

Eugene: Wait these?

Eugene then slid his scroll to the table as his screen popped up and shows different artworks being from the more political about faunus equality and rights to the more goofy ones. one being Reg back weeks ago.

Ruby: Ha! Yeah that's us.

Eugene: I am a huge fan!

Delsin: Really now?

Eugene: Yeah! The "free speech of the people" kinda art and shoot! I've been following your art pieces and even find most funny too..

Ruby: Do we have a fan boy now?

Delsin: Hey if he's our fan then he's already got 10 points in my cool board.

Reg: Oh gods not the board...

Fetch: Board?

Delsin: Yeah, a board of all the people I know. I make little face art and put it on a graph. So far our caretaker Betty is the highest on my board. Next to mom, ruby, me and Reggie.

Fetch: Ah come on you can't put yourself on a cool board. What am I at? What place?

Delsin: Betty's at first, Mom second ruby third. I'd say 6th?

Fetch: Oh what you're fifth?

Delsin: Nah you're 6th now cause of Eugene being a fan!

I started to laugh and pick up my sandwich and was gonna take a bite till a small laser pointer sized beam comes out from fetch's finger and cuts my sandwich in half.

Delsin: Hey!

Fetch: Oops. Sorry. Was aiming for your fingers.

Delsin: 5 cool points.

Fetch: Better.

We begin to joke around for a bit, that is until I look up and see that rabbit girl from the first day here a few tables down. She was surrounded by that team CRDL. Something wasn't right off the bat, Shes uncomfortable, they're taking her food and, oh that's fucking disgusting. They're tugging on her ears.

I don't know why but seeing this sparked something in me. Something bad. But I didn't want to sit and think about it as I got up much to the others confusion as I smoked dashed through the tables as I got to Velvet.

Delsin: Hey! The fuck you think your doing?

Cardin: What?! Shes just an animal. What you're an animal lover or something?

I looked at cardin as everything felt like time slowed down abit as their movements slowed to a crawl and froze, I looked at Cardin and I see growing red but looked at Velvet and see a growing blue...I know this feeling to well. I knew I need to defend this girl. It's the right thing to do even if she doesn't want the help...

I blinked at velvet as I knew this was the right thing to do. I looked back Cardin and my arms began to smoke up.

Delsin: I don't want to hurt no one. But if you don't stop I will have to just kick your ass. You either let her go or I have to do something I don't want to do.

Cardin laughed a bit, sure he may think I'm a weak guy but he's mistaken, taking my small plea he shoved Velvet away.

Cardin: alright twink. I'll see you in glynda's class and we'll see if you're as tough shit as you think you are.

He then got up and walked off with Velvet's tray. Wait did he just call me twink?....alright. That's new. I looked at velvet and went to help her up.

Delsin: Hey lil rabbit you okay?

Moment I looked at her she was a bit of a red faced mess, both anger at Cardin and pure blush from me helping.

Velvet: I...yeah I just...uh, yeah I'm fine...thank you, Delsin.

Delsin: Hey, it was the right thing to do.

Velvet: Yeah..uh..was your jacket was light gray?

Delsin: What?

I looked down at my jacket and saw yeah...she was right. My jacket, once a dark gray now a lighter one. Odd, but hey I ain't complaining. I do like it.

Velvet: Anyways..why did you help me?

Delsin: Obvious. I hate seeing someone cute get harmed.

With that her ears shot up and her face beet red from me calling her cute.

Delsin: You good Velv?

Velvet: Cute me? Me cute really? Wha? Uh...I gotta go...

Without another word she speeds off covering her face.

Delsin: Hm...Alright then...did I say something wrong there? I was just speaking my mind. Ah well I'm sure it's nothing.

I walked back to the table and Reg was surprised I didn't kick someone's ass.

Reg: Gotta admit Del...I'm surprised you didn't go crazy on him.

Delsin: Yeah well, I dont wanna look more of a bad guy if I teach his ass a lesson. Plus I don't want my anger to get the lil rabbit hurt.

Reg: Heh, I'm proud of you for that.

Delsin: Thanks Reg.

A/N: Delsin has achieved the rank of Protector. He has taken his first step into becoming a Hero. And with that I wish you all a good night. And happy 4th of July to all my American followers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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