Dancing in the Rain

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*Y/n pov*

One of the best feelings ever is probably sitting by the window while it rained, watching the droplets on the glass. That is until a certain love interest of mine decides that it would be the perfect day to interrupt my solitude of staring at my window.

"Hey Tom," I said, not looking away from the rain race.

"What are you doing?" He asked, standing next to me, trying to get me to look at him.

"Staring at the rain," I said, hoping that Tom wouldn't pick me up and drag me away from this.

"Is it that fun?" He questioned, turning away from me to look at the window for himself. "I don't see what makes this fun."

"They're having a race," I said, pointing at two raindrops.

"They are, aren't they..." He said, seemingly more invested in the raindrops at this point. "This is nice," he said, starting to give into the rain.

"Rain is so cool," I mumbled to myself, apparently at a tone loud enough for Tom to hear.

"I've... Never entirely been in rain..." He said, looking away a bit. This shocked me to no end, turning myself to put all of my attention to Tom.

"What do you mean you've never been in the rain!?" I asked, turning all of my attention to Tom.

"I mean I've never been in the rain. I'm a demon y/n. I don't think it'll be a good idea to stand me out in water that's coming from the sky, per say." This baffled me to no end. I stood up and walked out of my room. "Wait, y/n where are you going?" Tom asked me as he stood up and started following me.

(So scalding hot liquid pours down from the sky?! lel srry)

I walked to the front door and stood by it, waiting for Tom to catch up. It didn't take too long, hardly any time at all, actually. He looked at me, confused as to why I would get up and leave my own room without a word like that.

"What are you doing?" he asked, stepping closer.

"Tom, do you trust me?" I asked as I held my hand out to him. (god wut is it with me & typing that out?!)

"Yes, I do, but isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Tom asked, watching as I put my other hand on the doorknob. Reaching closer to him. "I know what you're doing y/n. Are you sure this is a good idea?" He said as he reached out for my hand. I grabbed it gently and stepped outside, leaving him inside with my hand. It was up to Tom to decide if he wanted to walk out or not.

He hesitated at first but took a small step outside. He was fully in the rain in about a minute. He looked amazed at how the rain felt, which was odd because he probably wasn't 'feeling' the rain. It all evaporated off of him quickly. His hand still felt warm and comforting. It was as if Tom would always stay the same, regardless of our surroundings.

"So," I asked. Tom looked up at me and looked even more amazed.

*Tom pov*

The rain had little effect on me, but it was amazing to watch it. It seemed a little cooler for me, but not by much and since all the raindrops kept evaporating when they touched me I was left dry.

"So," I heard y/n say as she broke me from my trance. I looked back to her and what I saw was amazing. She looked so happy, despite the downpour right on her. She was waiting for me to say something. Crap.

"Yeah?" I asked, not being able to say much at that time. She just looked so beautiful. Her hair sticking to her, but her smile, directed at me, wanted nothing more than to see my own happiness. She is going to get sick if she stays in the rain too long, though.

"What do you think?" She asked, gesturing to the rain.

"It's amazing," I said as I grabbed her hand, "but not as amazing as you." Her eyes lit up at my gesture.

*y/n pov*

"What do you think?" I asked Tom, holding my hands out to catch some of the raindrops.

"It's amazing," he said. I'm glad he liked it. Then he grabbed my hand, "but not as amazing as you," I was speechless. All I could do was stare at him in awe of what he had just said. In this moment of me being paralyzed, he drew me closer to him, turning me so he was hugging me from behind. I felt his warmth, a few raindrops evaporating from my clothes. I wanted to stay like this forever.

"We should go inside," Tom whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my body, "I don't want you to catch a cold," with that, he stepped back a little, motioning to the front door. I stayed where I was, wanting to try something.

"Tom wait," I said, turning and pulling back a bit so I could see his eyes. "There's one thing I've always wanted to try," I said as I walked away from Tom for a second. I turned back to him and held my hand out, "may I have this dance?" Tom looked baffled at the idea for a few seconds, but grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"I believe you may, miss," Tom said in a soft voice. Before I could tell, we were dancing in the rain. And there's no one I'd rather do that with than Tom.

This seemed to go on forever, but one thing was for sure, the rain wouldn't. It started to slow down, and pretty soon it was nothing but Tom and I dancing in the sprinkling water.

"We should probably go inside now," I said, pulling back from Tom, "I'm definitely going to get sick after this," I said as I made my way to the front door.

Which was locked. Dangit.

"Hey," Tom said, pointing to my window, "is your window open?"

"I have no idea..." I said, looking at the window. "Maybe?"

"Well there's only one way to find out," he said as he scooped me up in his arms and levitated to my window. Sure enough, it was closed. Just our luck.

"Wait- Can't you teleport us inside?" I asked.

"I can, I just wanted to see how long it would take for you to figure that out," he said as he gave a slight smirk.

"Haha. Come on I'm starting to actually feel the cold," I said, wanting to go inside.

"Ok," Tom said.

This took 12 days to work on & it is my second longest chapter!!!
Anyone wanna guess wut the longest chapter is???
Anyone remember???

Anyways I hav more ideas but if u guys wanna request anything (in the request chapter) I can do that 2

Anyways that's all 4 now BYEM!!!


Demon Tom x reader Oneshots (Holidays Are Automatic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt