Your Birthday!!! (Morning)

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Hey guys if you are completely clueless and didn't know already this is a oneshot where it is y/n's birthday. Enjoy! (Tom is making a freakin cake!!!)


*y/n pov*

Well, here it is.... I am now 14 (author-chan magic) years old. (Star is 14, that's why) I was always annoyed by the fact that Star and Marco have always been a few months older than me.(anyone else get that feeling?) 

You may or may not have forgotten to tell a certain demon that is also your boyfriend. So this was on you and it will stay this way for a while since you don't want him to make a big deal out of it like he usually does so...... i am not going to tell him (if u r like me and wouldve wanted to tell him then u still didnt) . I will have to spend a while with Star and Marco cause they practically raided all my report cards and stuff that i had to tell the school so they knew about my birthday.....

I just need to go to Star and Marco's house and get this over with before Tom finds out it's my birthday, that will be easy enough........... WHAT THE FUNK!!!

"OH GOD!!!!" I said as I saw a parade outside of my front door, meaning only 1 thing....

The parade was beautiful, and it was exactly what you thought a certain someone would do if they knew what today was.... and sure enough your demon boyfriend was sitting at the top of the highest float in a throne.... The parade stopped and down came Tom, wearing an even fancier suit than usual and he smelled just like roses.

"My princess..." Tom said with more love in each word than there was in the world. (oh god i forgot how corny this story can be and im the 1 writing it) He held out his hand for me to take.

"My prince" I said to match his words, and placed my hand in his to accept the gesture. His face seemed to brighten at this. We both rode on the parade through town, finally stopping at Star and Marco's house. Allowing yourself to walk in arm in arm with Tom and a parade outside the door.

"What the HECK is that??!!?!" Marco screamed out after seeing the parade.

"Her first birthday surprise." Tom merely brushed off Marco's question as if he just asked him what time it was.

"Well y/n seems like today will be your best birthday ever!!" Star said ecstatically.

"yeah... Yeah I GUESS I AM!!!" I said confidently, and with that, my birthday day then began!!!!!!

ok guys i will let u say in the comments what you want to happen for the rest of the day and please request im out of ideas byem!!!

-Halo (needs help)

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