Christmas Eve

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*y/n pov*

I honestly didn't know what to chose Star and Marco were my best friends. But if I don't go with Tom he'll have to spend Christmas all alone. I couldn't do that to him. Even if Star and Marco think that he's a big jerk.

"Fine... I will go with Star and Marco under one condition... Tom gets to come, and if he can't, I'll spend Christmas with him. I am not changing my mind."

"What!!? Are you crazy? He just kidnapped you and now you want to spend Christmas with him?! You are out of your mind!!!!" Yay more spitting fire.

"Marco, I am not leaving him all alone in the Underworld. And if that's what it comes to, then that's what's going to happen." I could tell that Marco didn't want to spend Christmas with Tom, but didn't want me to be alone with him, either.

"..........Fine... But after Christmas, he's leaving." Marco gave in. Ha I made him cave.

"YAAAAYYY!!!!" Star looked ecstatic."SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!" Oh. That's why she was so happy. I looked at Tom, wait... is he blushing. My cheeks started to heat up, dangit, i'm blushing too now.

"y/n?" Tom asked right before we were about to step into the portal that Star made with her dimensional scissors.

"Yeah Tom." Some weird part of me was hoping that he wasn't going to bring up him saying I was beautiful

"I... did mean what I said back there, about me calling you beautiful... I didn't mean to say it out loud and didn't realize I did until you brought it up. But I did mean it." OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! (Even I'm fangirling right now... and I made the story.) I guess thing are going to get even weirder and a little more wild. If that was ever possible.

*Tom pov*

I decided to come right out and tell her, and when I did, she wrapped her arms around me, it felt weird until I hugged her back.

"Ship! Ship! Ship!" Star annoyingly but in. At least she wasn't yelling this time. So i decided to shut the world out and encase y/n and I in fire, one as warm as our embrace. The Fire wasn't enough to burn her, but to keep her safe. So nothing could touch us, not even that weird, talking flower, seriously, what was with that thing? Anyway, we were there until we showed up in Star and Marco's living room. While I still had my arm wrapped around her. I could tell Star was trying as hard as she could not to start yelling. We decided to have dinner and since y/n was restless, she decided to make some sugar cookies. Of course I helped, and Star and Marco were in the living room, Star was trying to give Marco a more open mind, about y/n and I. After all, there's no one else that I would spend all eternity with. The only thing I want for Christmas at this point is for y/n to never leave my side. Hopefully that would work out.

"Tom... Tom... TOM!!" Why is y/n so good at waking me up from my fantasies?

"yeah..." I really didn't want her to yell at me. the cookies are done and I can't find the oven mitts. Can you take them out?" She wanted me to take the cookies out of the oven because I can touch them without burning them.

"Okay... (Here it comes *squeals like the little fangirl I am*) but only if I get to take you out." Wait... did I really just say that? Oh jeez. Please tell me she didn't hear that, but of course the universe has different plans... stupid universe. (I end up saying that a lot)

"Tom..." y/n started, she just turned into a strawberry, sweet, red, and tiny, she looked so small and cute while she was blushing.

"Sorry, I didn't even think about saying that one, let alone think about anything." Why, why, why, WHY. 

*Star pov*

I was trying to convince Marco that (ship name) wouldn't be such a bad idea. I mean, those two would be adorable together.

"STAR!!! for the last time NO!!!" Why was Marco being so stubborn?

"Aw come on... Tom loves y/n and would do anything to protect her."

"FINE I will give you one chance to prove it and if you do... I won't complain about it any more." So I have one shot at this... okay I can make this work. I just need some string and some mistletoe. This ship will sail. (Yes this means what you think it means.)

*y/n pov*

As I was walking out of the kitchen with Tom, forgiving him because he didn't mean to say it, but I am spending new years with him.(Which is where the one shot will happen) Tom put the cookie sheet on the table. Tom and I were standing right next to each other, we didn't notice it until Star caught our attention.

"Hey Tom, y/n" She waved at us from the stairs, where she was holding mistletoe right above our heads. She was so going to pay for this. Well, after I kiss Tom. I knew we both wanted to, but we were still scared. Tom was warmer than usual, and I was blushing like crazy.

*Tom pov*

In the time it took me to notice Star holding mistletoe over our heads, y/n turned into a strawberry again, Wow she's adorable when she does that. I decided to demon up and just kiss her. It felt like it had lasted an eternity, but when it was over, y/n was even more of a strawberry. Somehow, during the kiss, Star managed to get a picture of it. She then put it in her scrapbook.

"WOOOHOOOO!!! THE SHIP HAS SAILED! THE SHIP HAS SAILED!!!! YOU TWO LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!" She was starting to get on my nerves, but I held it in, because y/n was here. After watching a bunch of Christmas movies, y/n fell asleep on me again. She looked so peaceful, I kissed her on the forehead, slowly starting to regret it as she woke up, but didn't regret it anymore as she kissed me. Well, I am going to try to sleep this time, Star took another picture, with the fire I had started. It looked adorable as she showed it to me. y/n was peacefully asleep in my arms, as was Star in Marco's, the hearts on Star's cheeks were even glowing. I took a picture of it with Star's phone, to get revenge on her for taking a picture of y/n and I. I couldn't wait for the next morning, to see y/n's face when she wakes up. She looks so beautiful.

*y/n pov*

As I fell asleep in Tom's arms my last thought were



Son of the devil he's so cute...

I can't wait...

until tomorrow...


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