Everything and Nothing

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The pic has nothing to do with the actual story, but Tom is adorable in it! *Tries to stifle my inner fangirl... fails miserably* HE'S SO CUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                 -Halo

*y/n pov*

Well... here I am in the Underworld... with Tom because he brought me here and won't let me leave, and I left my dimensional scissors at Star's house.

"Um... Tom... why did you bring me here?" I needed answers, and he wasn't going to give me any answers until I asked.

"Well... I though that Marco and Star were going to hurt you... since you were yelling at them and decided to help a jerk demon like me... not that I am a jerk, that's just what they think of me. I hope you know that i'm not that much of a jerk." He was being defensive, disclaiming himself, and acting kinda cute all at the same time.

*Star pov*

While y/n and Marco were yelling at each other, Tom took y/n to the Underworld. How dare he?! Take one of my best friends to the Underworld when Christmas Eve is tomorrow.

"Come on, Marco" I say, cutting a portal with my dimensional scissors, dragging him through the portal. I was going to bring hell to Tom. (More bad jokes XD) Well... I can't bring hell to him... he basically lives in hell. Dangit!!! I need to make more things to say about Tom so they won't sound so... un-demon-ish??? Wow that was bad.

*Marco pov*

As Star drags me through the portal, I wonder what kind of karate moves to use on Tom... but they weren't there when we stepped into the portal, instead we found an empty demon palace. Tom and y/n were nowhere to be seen. Did we miss them? Or had Tom taken y/n somewhere else?

*Tom pov*

"You won't be safe here y/n... I need to take you somewhere where Star and Marco can't find you." I panicked I didn't want Marco and Star to hurt y/n. So I took her to a flower hill dimension, where it's always Spring and the flowers never stop blooming, there are hills, mountains, and fields full of flowers as far as the dimension's existence. Marco and Star probably think that I kidnapped her and am holding her hostage. That dimension would be the last place they would look for us. Kinda a good thing that y/n had her dimensional scissors in Star's room. Not that I know that or anything... it just wasn't in any other room or in her bag... not that I looked in her bag or anything... just... Oh I give up I looked in her bag.

"Tom... where are you taking me???" y/n woke me up from yet another scene in my head... wow she is good at that.

"Somewhere Star and Marco can't hurt you, they will never be able to hurt you, no one will."

*Star pov*

When y/n and Tom weren't in the Underworld we decided to just go to random dimensions and see if they are there. Marco assumed the worst and told me to check out the dungeon dimension.

"Marco, but Tom was staring at y/n with big, kinda sparkling eyes, he looked like he... likes y/n or something." I may not be able to read between the lines, but I sure can read faces.

"Star are you crazy!? He took y/n to a dungeon and is holding her hostage until you agree to go out with him!!!!!!!" He really wanted to believe that Tom didn't like y/n. Or that y/n didn't like Tom.

"Ok, we'll go to the dungeon dimension first and if they aren't there, we check out the place that I picked out... And do you blame me if I ship them just a little bit?????" I mean, I did ship it (Ship name) would look adorable. I cut a portal, not to the dungeon dimension, but to the flower hill dimension, because it's the sweetest, most beautiful, peaceful place I have ever seen.

"Star, you can't ship them" Marco didn't seem to notice that we weren't in the dungeon dimension.

"Just watch me... ahem..." I really felt like annoying him, he can't tell me who to ship.

"Wait... this isn't the dungeon dimension... Star...!!!"

"SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!" I was jumping circles around him screaming.

"STAR!!! This isn't the dungeon dimension, this is the flower dimension."

I still wasn't listening "SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! (EVERYBODY NOW!!!!!!) SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!"

*Marco pov*

Star was jumping around me screaming, so I decided to trip her. She fell to the ground with a thud.

"SHI-ugh... HEY!!!" She looked really annoyed.

"This is the wrong dimension!!!!" I yell at her.

*y/n pov*

Tom tells me to close my eyes and I do, for some strange reason.

"Okay... you can open them now." Tom says, taking his hands off my eyes. When I looked around all I saw were grasslands and hills full of flowers (I kinda want to put Flowey somewhere in here) The hill that Tom and I were standing on specifically was full of f/c flowers. It was completely beautiful and Tom was looking at me with huge eyes.

"Tom... this is... beautiful." You manage to get out, well you can't really say anything now.

"Just like you." I don't think he meant to say that out loud.

*Tom pov*

y/n looks absolutely beautiful as she stares at her surroundings, looking like she had just lost the inability to talk. At least until she actually does talk.

"Tom... this is... beautiful." Is all she manages to get out.

"Just like you." I think to myself... wait did I just say that out loud? Hopefully she didn't notice

"Tom...?" y/n said.

"Yeah...?" Please don't tell me she heard me.

"Did you just say that out loud...?" WHHHYYYYYY!!????! She heard me... my life is over. (That's it... Flowey has to ruin the moment.) 

As she looked like she was about to say something again, something popped out of the ground it was a... flower? What the heck is that thing? (Yes it's Flowey I had to) It has a face... how lovely. A flower with a face.

"Howdy." It spoke. Oh my devil it speaks. It's a talking flower!!!!!!!

*y/n pov*

As something popped out of the ground I grabbed on to Tom's arm. Apparently he didn't notice, he was too focused on the thing popping out of the ground.

"Howdy" The flower talked. THE FLOWER JUST TALKED!!!??? Wait... It looks familiar. (Apparently your character plays Undertale) Tom looked like he wasn't going to deal with whatever this is. So he just burned it. (Kill It with FIRE!!!)

"What were you saying?" I think he meant when I heard him.

" Did you say that the flowers were beautiful... like me...?" Why did I point it out?

"Ummm..." Before he could even talk, we were interrupted.

"Y/N!!!!!" oh great.

*Marco pov*

After walking around for a few minutes, Star and I found Tom and y/n on a flower hill. We never would've found them unless that fire spiral had appeared out of absolutely nowhere.

"Told you they would be here." Star didn't process the fact that Tom had probably exploded at y/n and she was in danger. The fire stopped.

"Y/N!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tom is going to regret taking y/n away.

 "Marco... Star... What are you guys doing here?" y/n asked

"That is IT!!! No more games. y/n are you going to spend Christmas with us or with Tom?!" I wasn't going to deal with any of this anymore.

"UMMM..." She didn't look like she was sure.

OK peoples. Got to end this chapter here


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Demon Tom x reader Oneshots (Holidays Are Automatic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora