The Promise

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Hello. This is really the last Chapter, I just thought you deserved that. I was so much fun writing this and it was really great. You guys were great. Thanks for everything. 

Enjoy reading this for the last time!

(Oh btw, I have a new story up)

 ( just check it out)

(but only if you want to)

(no pressure)

(but please do)

(okay bye, love you)

One year later...

"Do you have everything?" Sophie asks you and you check everything again in your head.

"Yeah, I think so and even if not, I could buy everything there, right?" You ask her and she nods at you.

Kaya walks into the room and smiles at Sophie. They are friends now, pretty good friends actually. "Do you have everything?" She asks you as well and you roll your eyes. Why does everybody think that I can't do this on my own? As if Kaya could read your mind she snorts. "Because you can't. Remember when we went to Rome together? You forgot everything."

Sophie laughs at that and agrees with your best friend. "Yep, she always forgets the most important things. We once visited my parents in London and she literally forgot her MacBook. Her bloody MacBook."

"Okay! Got it! I'm forgetful!" You grumble and the other two woman laugh at you. "But, I have everything." At least I hope so.

"Well then, lets go," Martin says and you are surprised of his presence. When did he come in? But all of you leave the room and go downstairs.

Before you leave the house you shout a loud "GOODBYE HOUSE!" And Sophie laughs at that. "You don't have to do that, you know?"

"I don't want the house to feel less loved just because we're leaving for a while," you tell her honestly.

"Babe, it's a house," she deadpans.

"It's my house since the beginning. It's important to me."

"You are such a weirdo, my love."

You shrug at her and grin.

When your flight is called you all walk towards the gate and you start to get giddy. "I can't believe we're really doing this."

Kaya nods and has the same expression as you. "Yeah me too. It's been too long."

"I still can't believe that you never took a break. This is insane," she tells you, but looks at Martin.

He shrugs at her and glances at you. "She never really wanted something. I think if she wouldn't have had a breakdown last month she still wouldn't have agreed."

Sophie softly slaps your head. "You are so stupid."

Just before you enter the plane you take out your phone and open Instagram. You think that your fans still deserve a tiny explanation.

Your managment, Kaya and Sophie decided that you really needed a break

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Your managment, Kaya and Sophie decided that you really needed a break. It wasn't a exaggeration that you never had a proper break. You always worked. The only time you didn't work was when the whole drama with Sophie started, but you never was like "Okay, I'll fly over to the Bahamas and let loose." Just this time Sophie literally begged you to take a break. Your breakdown frightened her and she was scared shitless. So now, you are taking a big break for about four months and fly over to Iceland.

Why Iceland?

Because Iceland is fucking cool.

And there is no one.

"Let's go!" You exclaim and you all board.

- - - - - - - - - -

It's been one month since you're on Iceland and currently Martin drags you around the small town you were living in. "Martin, I really want to go home. I'm tired. Shouldn't this be relaxing for me?" You whine.

"Oh sush, will ya? Enjoy the culture!" He tells you with a wave of his hand.

"I did! Three hours ago!"

He checks his phone, something he did awfully often the past few hours, and sighs. "Okay, if you really want to." You nod and sighs again. "Uncultured swine," he mumbles.

"What?" You ask him, stunned. He really got sour because of this stupid town trip? "Hey if you want to keep looking around, we can stay."

"Nah, it's okay. Honestly, I'm tired too. Let's go."

When you arrive home, it's dark in the whole house. "What the fuck?"

"Language," Martin warns. Really?

Suddenly a door burst open and reveals Kaya. With a candle in her hands. Wait... what?

"Come with me," she tells you.

"What the f-" Martin frowns at you. "heck is going on?" you say and look at a pleased Martin.

"Shut up and follow me idiot," Kaya glares at you and you nod and follow her.

Another door opens and immediately your hand is over your mouth. Sophie smiles at you with a Mountain Aven in her hand. "Hey you," she says softly.

"Hey," you breath.

"I first planned a huge speech, but I know that you don't like them that much, so I just cut it short," she tells you, her smile never leaving her face, tears glistening in her eyes. "I think after all the trouble I caused you, it is my turn to do this. So... Y/F/N, do you wa-"

You don't let her finish and just slam your lips to hers. "YES."

Behind you, you hear cheers, but you can't bring yourself to look away from Sophie. She pulls out a small, beautiful ring and put it on your finger. You smile down at it and feel tears on your skin. "Never let me go, yeah?" Sophie asks you and you nod.


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