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Hello. I decided that it might be cool to know how the others found out about Sophie and you, so there will be a few chapters from different POVs. The first is Kaya's. Then there is Martin and last but not least Sophie. So stay tuned. 

Enjoy reading!


When I found out about Sophie and (Y/) I was speechless, not only because I found them while they sex, not a moment I like to remember, because I knew that Sophie had a boyfriend. Or well, I think they were already engaged. And while other people might have left the room, I stayed. They looked up at me in horror and didn't move. Neither did I.

"Kaya...", (Y/N) started, but I interrupted her.

"You better come out of this bed, or I drag you out. Your choice."

She waited until I left the room and got dressed. I sat on her sofa watching her.


"Well what? Since when are you fucking her?" (Y/N) winced at my choice of words and I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm not, fucking her."

"Well I sure did hear you say it." She blushed, but I stayed put.

"I like her Kaya. I really do." I snorted, she doesn't like anybody. "Really!"

"(Y/N) you like girls for a while and then stop. And then you move on to another one. Oh and by the way, she probably likes this guy... I think it was something with J... HER BOYFRIEND!" In that moment Sophie walked down the stairs, a deep blush on her face, she tried to just leave the house, but well, no. "Oh no, you are staying, even though (Y/N) is my friend and I need to beat some sense in her stupid head, apparently you need some too. What were you thinking?"

Sophie didn't say anything, just blushed even more. "I-I.." She stuttered, nothing came out. I looked towards my friend and saw how she admired this woman. Her eyes were filled with love and I thought that she may have told the truth. She did like Sophie.

"It's okay," (Y/N) smiled softly.

The blondes eyes met hers and then mine. "Please don't tell anyone. Nobody can know this. Please."

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see how (Y/N)s shoulders slumped. She looked down. "I keep this to myself. For (Y/N)s sake, not yours. Leave." Sophie nodded and left. When I was alone with my friend and touched her shoulder. "I believe you, but you should believe me too when I tell you that this will destroy you."

She believed, but didn't listen. So in the end, it did destroy her. Even though the two had their moments and Sophie visited her at the recording studio and sometimes I could see her giving my friend soft kisses and small hugs. I can't count how many times I told them to be more careful. But I also don't know how many times I saw (Y/N) coming to work with puffy, red eyes or just being sad the whole day.

"Did you take your medicine?" I asked, making sure that not just her depressions were kicking in again.

She nodded.

"Did you eat something?"

She shook her head.

"Did you sleep last night?"

She shook her head and I could feel myself getting frustrated.

"Did you at least drink something?"

Again, she shook her head and I groaned.

"Did you two fight?"

She looked up at me and her eyes glistened with tears. "I don't know what to do. I know that you are right and that this isn't a good idea, at least not the way it is right now, but I love her. Kaya I love her so much, I can't think of being without her."

I sighed, hugging her. After a while I took my phone out and texted Sophie.

I hope you know she suffers and that you are worth it.

Sophie never replied, but I know she read it. Still nothing changed. So I don't think that is a surprise that I was glad when they broke up. Of course I knew that (Y/N) would be devastated, but it will do her good. Being away from her.


Well I hope you liked it, if there's something hit me up.

Have a great night or day :)


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