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Hello. This is a rather short and miserable chapter, I'm sorry. Don't be mad. Thank you for reading so much and voting and commenting on it. Keep going! Love you guys.


I knew when I saw (Y/N) and Sophie kissing in the studio. At first I didn't tell them that I knew, because honestly, I didn't know what to say. So I talked to Kaya. She's (Y/N)s best friend and she would know.

"Hey Kaya, do you ever noticed something... intimate about Sophies and (Y/N) relationship?" I asked her when we had a moment.

She didn't say anything at first but when I told her what I saw, she spilled. "Well yeah, they are kind of a thing. It's a secret affair. Don't tell anyone."

I shook my head, knowing that Sophie was engaged. "But what is with her boyfriend?"

"Obviously he doesn't know. But honestly I don't know why she is with him, she loves (Y/N), or I hope she does, but apparently she loves him as well, so she betrayed him and breaks her. I feel sorry for both of them."

"So that means that (Y/N) isn't depressed, she's lovesick," I stated and Kaya nodded. It was a complicated subject, because we couldn't really talk about it, (Y/N) would do everything to keep Kaya from talking to Sophie, so I guessed I couldn't do much either. Kaya told me that I could talk to them, in a way of talking about business. So I did talk to them.

"Oh Sophie, what I surprise and pleasure to see you," I said, acting surprised, she blushed. "(Y/N), we need to talk about something important. You see, when you have relationships, it affects you in a special way and right now, you don't have healthy relationship. I know about you two, not because someone told me, because I saw it. You need to figure this out."

And as I expected, (Y/N) reacted like a kid. "You can't tell me anything. I expected it when Kaya said that this sucks, but you. You are just my manager, what I do outside of business, is not your business."

It did hurt, but she always defended herself with attacking. "I know that I am just your manager. That's why I talked to you. You are lacking of energy and concentration. Right now, your performances suck and you anger your fans. Get out of it. Now." I left the room without waiting for an answer.

A few days later, (Y/N) did not reach out to me or Kaya, but surprisingly Sophie did. She knocked on my office door and came in almost shyly. "Hello Mr.-"

"Martin, just call me Martin."

She nodded and continued. "I wanted to talk to you about (Y/N). We talked about what you said, and even though we're still together, we understand what you are saying. At first I wanted to talk to Kaya as well, but she won't let me near her, maybe you can tell her afterwards. I do love (Y/N), very much. I never told her and probably never will, but I love her. She's the one I really want to spend my life with, but I just can't break up with Joe. Not.. yet. Eventually I will, but right now I can't. I know that it is egoistic, but I can't change it. It's hard for me as well, that I can't be with her as I want to."

I listened, but didn't say anything, just urged her to keep going.

"So I want to make it easier for her and at least try to help her with her work. I don't really know how, but I try everything I can. I hope this is okay," she finishes.

"Okay." Nodding, she got up and was about to left the room. "Sophie, if you ever want to talk, call me," I said while giving her a piece of paper with my phone number on it. A small smile grew on her face.

Since then we met up a lot of times and talked about (Y/N). I never told her, and if she finds out, she will have a hard time trusting me or Sophie again. Because after all, I know a lot of things about Sophie and their relationship.


I hope you liked it, next one will be Sophies chapter!

Have a great day or night :)


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