The Reunion

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Hello. This is a real short chapter I guess. Just a filler chapter. I think we are almost done here. 

Enjoy reading!

Sophie and you lived together for a few days now and you would be lying if you said that it isn't tense. You barely talk and spend your time alone. Sophie tries to talk to you but you won't answer or cut her off with kissing and sex. You just don't want to talk about it because you don't know what to do. Was Kaya expecting some kind of a decision? Like you wanted one from Sophie?

Sophie pulled you out of your thoughts while loudly putting down her cutlery. "Okay I can't stand this. I know that you are hurting, but do you really think sulking and not talking will make it better? Do you really believe that? I don't think that you spent your days like this when I didn't want to talk to you."

"No I didn't because Kaya was there to help me. Now she is gone. I just don't know what to do," you say and at the end your voice cracks. You put your head in your hands and cry. When you hear a door slamming your head shoots up. "Great. Just great."

You don't do anything. Not because you don't want to, juts because you really don't know what to do anymore. It's like everything you do is wrong. You push your best friend away because you are with the woman you love. You push your girlfriend away because your best friend isn't with you. You really wish that you would never have met Sophie.

But... You wouldn't have been this happy if you wouldn't have met her. You need both in your life. Kaya and Sophie. It won't work with just one. How can you do that?

Kaya is so stubborn that she won't listen to you. Of course, she just tries to protect you, but sometimes she is so protective that she won't let anyone come near you. You believe if she would've been there that night you met Sophie, she wouldn't have let you give her your number.

Sophie is probably too scared of your best friend and you don't blame her. So she won't talk to her or wouldn't be with her in one room alone.

You groan in frustration. How are you supposed to solve this on your own? This is far too big for you. You were so occupied in your thoughts that you didn't notice the door slamming open.

"We need to talk. You two need to talk. This can't go on like this," Sophie states and you look impressed. Kaya is next to her. You wonder how your girlfriend got her here.

You take a deep breath and look at your best friend, trying to read her eyes. "Kaya, I love you. You are my best friend for ages now," the brunette nods, "But I won't choose between you two. If you want me to do that, we can't be friends anymore."

Kaya looks at you intently. You don't know if she's mad or just trying to read you. "I would never want you to choose between me and Sophie, or anyone else for that matter. You should know that. I just want to spare you any more pain. Maybe I handled it wrongly. But if  I wanted you to choose between something, it would be between your well being and this relationship. Not even between Sophie and your heart. I just think this relationship is unhealthy. But you can gladly convince me otherwise."

Sophie shook her head. "No, don't you get it? She needs your full support for this. All in, or all out. She's been miserable these past days, because you left. When I told her that it couldn't go on like this, she was like 'What am I supposed to do without Kaya?'. I don't know much about your relationship and I don't care, but I care for (Y/N) and I'm gonna kick your ass if you keep on hurting her. Just like you would do it with me. Get your act together and be the same best friend she would be."

You stare at her in awe. She is so awesome, you think.

The brunette slowly nods. Suddenly you see tears glistening in her eyes. "I'm just worried about you (Y/N). You are my person, you know?"

You get up and hug her tightly. "You are my person as well, Kaya. But I think Sophie will take care of me this time."

Kaya nods. "I hope so."

The three of you spend the rest of the night together. Sophie orders pizza and you heart swells up when you see your two favorite people talking to each other. Like actually talking. No shouting. No yelling. No glaring. A real conversation. About Stranger Things. You love it.

No you only have to talk to Martin about the relationship.

Sadly you don't know what will happen.


Hopefully no more heartbreak, eh? Badass Sophie rocks, I think. Tell me what you think in the comments and hit me up if there's something wrong!

Have great night or day :)


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