The End

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Hello. First, I wanted to thank you all so much. For reading this, for commenting and for voting. I never thought that I would take this story so far, but I'm glad I did. I really do hope you enjoyed this and that you liked the story.

At the end of the chapter, I have a small surprise for you, so watch out for the A/N!

As always, enjoy reading!

You get woken up by your phone, which vibrates constantly. Sophie groans next to you. "Turn it offfff," she says.

You laugh at her, not in a mocking manner, more in a adoring one. "Maybe it's important."

"I don't care if it's important. Turn it off or leave," she mumbles into her pillow.

Softly you kiss her hair, breathing in the scent. You could never get tired of that. "I'm sorry my love, I guess I have to leave then. It really seems important."

"Fine, but at least make breakfast while you're downstairs."

"Sure thing babe," you kiss her one more time and get up. Checking your phone you see that it was Martin. Who else?  You decide to call him back so he won't bother you anymore.


"Hey Martin. Why were you calling so early? I thought this was my day off," you whine. "I had a great time with Sophie, until you interrupted us."

He groans like a kid and you laugh. "Spare me the details. I just wanted to ask if you two would be up for a interview together. Ellen agreed to do it, but she wanted to have both of you. What do you think?"

"Personally I think this is a great idea, but I have to ask Sophie about it. I'm gonna make her some breakfast and tell her, afterwards I'll call you. Is that alright?" I ask, hoping Sophie would agree, because this seems like a great opportunity.

"Of course. Well then, I'll let you go. Enjoy your day off (Y/N)."

"Thanks Martin, see you," you say and end the call. Then you start making some eggs and all that weird british stuff Sophie likes for breakfast. You love that woman, but her british antics sometimes weird you out. You never got the hype about the british people anyway, but when Sophie came around, she totally knocked you off of your feet.

Slowly you walk upstairs and wake her with breakfast in bed. "Good morning my love."

"I didn't go back to sleep after you left," she groans, but smiles when she sees you. "Aww baby, you are too cute for your own good."

You frown at her previous words. "I am sorry, but it was indeed important. Martin told me that Ellen would like to interview us both. What do you think?"

The woman chewed her food and looks thoughtful. "I think it is a great idea, we should do it."

"Great!" You clap your hands together and kiss her firmly on the lips. "I'm going to call Martin and tell him. He will be excited. I'm right back." You call him and tell him that you and Sophie are okay with having the interview with

Two days later the interview is set. Both of you are nervous, bit neither wants to admit it. For you it was the first time acknowledging a relationship and for Sophie it was the first relationship with a woman, so you had every reason to be nervous. But Ellen was sweet as always and greeted you in a kind way and tried to comfort you.

"So you two have been dating for how long now?" She asks and your heart starts to beat faster. Really? This had to be the first question?

"For a while now, but we don't kiss and tell," Sophie smirks, saving you, because you couldn't have said anything.

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