The News

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Hello. This chapter is the shortest, I believe. I'm sorry. It's super short but super intense. Constant reminder: Hit me up if there's anything.

Enjoy reading!

The time in the studio is fun and you just enjoy it

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The time in the studio is fun and you just enjoy it. Recording one song without the pressure of doing a whole album and making promo and doing interviews and small gigs and going on tour and... Well, without the pressure doing more than you are capable of right now. Even though your manager, Martin, tried to talk you into a new album, he understood that you need some freedom and if you feel like doing an album, you do it. But you don't really want to at the moment.

While you are in the booth and recording you see Kaya coming in and talking to Martin. He massages his temples and is silent. Kaya just watches him and holds her phone in her hand. Your heart beat picks up, you panic. What is going on? Did something happen? You would really like to stop recording and ask them what's up, but you learned better. They won't tell you until you're done, so you don't get distracted. Well good way not to distract me, you think. So you keep going but at one point you can't take it anymore. You are taking your headphones off and get up. "I'm not recording anymore."

"What's wrong? You two look like you've just seen a ghost," you say, a tiny bit of irritation in your voice.

They just look at you. Martin open and closes his mouth a few times, but stays silent. Kaya just looks at you, not really sure what to do.

"Hello?" you ask and wave your hand in front of their faces. "Still there?"

Martin sighs and smoothes out his suit. "Kaya should talk to you. I'm too- It's just not my place to do it," he looks at Kaya before leaving. "Please call me if something happens." Then he politely says goodbye and leaves.

Kaya and you stay silent for a while, the producer left the room with Martin to give you some privacy. You watch Kaya closely. Her brown waves, her light brown skin, her green eyes. You were always fascinated with her green eyes. Who has such green eyes? Kaya does, you idiot.

Finally she takes a deep breath and composures her posture. "I actually thought I shouldn't tell you at all, but I know you watch the news everyday and since they talk about the real important things on TV, you would've found out and would be mad. So well... First, I am really, really sorry for you. But, well, ugh god, I don't even know how to tell you," she paused, closing her eyes and I almost couldn't hear what she says next, almost, "Sophie and Joe announced their wedding date. It's in three months. Again, I am so sorry (Y/N)." The words are rushed and in a hushed voice.

Sophie and Joe announced their wedding date.

Sophie and Joe announced their wedding date.

Sophie and Joe announced their wedding date.

Your ears ring. Their wedding date. This hurts. It hurts a lot.

You open the door and call your producer. "Come on, I wanna keep going." So you just spent the rest of the day and the night in the recording booth working on the song.

You leave when it turns lilac outside. Silence. Kaya isn't with you and you are thankful for that. Martin isn't with you or reached out to you and you are thankful for that. Everything happens in a haze.

So you are just driving home, in silence.

You are just entering your house, in silence.

You keep the lights out.

You are just undressing and taking a shower, in silence.

You are just going to bed, in silence.

Sophie and Joe announced their wedding date.

It's in three months.


Soooorry. But it had to happen, so here it is. How do you feel about it? Thanks for reading.

Have a nice night or day :)


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