The Beginning

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This chapter is rather short, the next will be longer if desired. I hope you like this story and if you want to have anything in it, hit me up. If there are any mistakes I would like to know so I can work on them.

Enjoy reading!

- BadKid

You smile sadly at her

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You smile sadly at her. Totally understanding her situation, but sad for yourself. "You won't do it, huh?" you ask.

She wears the same sad look as you and looks you in the eyes before saying, "You know that I can't. It's not just a simple relationship, we're engaged. I just can't call it off like that. And even if I would, what would they think of us?"

You nod, still understanding, but also sad. "I know. I understand and respect it," you sigh and get up, "That means we won't see each other any time soon, right?"

She shakes her head without looking at you and you nod. You respect her too much to push her. Although you won't be pushing her anymore as it is all over. It hurts and breaks your heart to the core. You had a hard time letting love in your life again, even though you wanted it so much, and when she came around and you saw her wonderful blue eyes the first time you were so stunned. So happy and believing. A shame that you failed to see the guy on her left hand and a ring on her other. At first you tried to force her to see that you two were made for each other. And you weren't that wrong, she loved you. Or maybe she still does. But love isn't always enough.

"I really appreciate you and enjoyed the time with you by my side. I don't think that I ever been happier," she says when she gets up, by the end of the sentence she has your hands in hers and a shiver run up your spine when the warmth of her hands meets the cold of yours.

You told, no you commanded yourself not to cry for anyone ever again, but this was just to much. Tears well up in your eyes and you try to push them away. When you look toward the small park the wind dries them on your face, but new ones wetten it again. Then you look directly in her eyes. "I will miss you," you croak out, your voice hoarse.

Again she nods rapidly, hugging you hard. You feel her sob against you, but you can't bring yourself to return the embrace even though you will crave it soon enough. "I will miss you too. So much," she tells you and you believe it. Then she let's you go, kisses you one last time and then leaves.

The sky turns dark after a while and your phone brings you out of your haze. You wonder how long you stood there. "Hello?" you answer it.

"Where the hell are you?", a friend of yours asks you, irritation in her voice.

"I had a meeting," you answer, numbly, "Can you come get me?"

"Don't you have your car?"


"Then how did you get there? Where are you?"

"Subway. Jefferson Park. I wait by the street."

"What are-"

You interrupt her, just wanting to be home. "Thank you."

After 20 minutes or so your friend arrives but when you get in she doesn't start the car. "What happened?"

"Nothing, just wanted to walk a bit."

"Bullshit. What happened?"

You doesn't even look at her, you just break down, crying your eyes out. Your friends reaches over and hugs you, softly caressing your back.

"I guess you guys broke up?"

"Can we even break up when we never were official?"

"Of course you can. You love each other and this is hard. I don't think she's much better."

You shrug and don't talk the whole ride home and you don't talk for a while after. You don't even make any new music, you just sit in your kitchen, lights out, silent. This hit hard and you are not sure how to get out of it. The worse is, your friends always did, but right now, they are helpless. This is serious.


Hope you enjoyed it, leave some comments so I know what's up! Thank you for reading and have a great day or night :)

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