Am I Not Enough?

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We are currently in her room, laying on her bed with my back against the cold wall and her head leaning on my shoulder while we watch a movie. As usual, I got distracted by looking down at the girl, admiring her breathtaking beauty.

"Jade?" Her voice got raspy from crying.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"What do you think of me? I mean, am I not good enough?" She asked.

"Why would you ask that, Camila?" I asked slightly shocked, "you're like the most perfect person I have ever seen in my whole existence. Your voice can literally soothe an hysterical crying person. Your big brown eyes can make any human go nuts when they look at them. Your beautiful smile, oh my God, you have seriously no idea how you can kill a person by smiling, don't you? I can't even go on with this. I can't find the words to describe how perfect you are Camila. They haven't invented the words yet. You are beyond than enough. You are perfect. And I know, a lot of people say 'no one's perfect' but I can prove them wrong. Because I know one person who is. And that's you. No one else." Never in my whole life I thought I could say something like that to someone.

"Thank you so much, Jade. You have no idea how much that made me feel better." She said as she cuddled to me.

Her arm across my stomach while her hand was clutching on my gray sweatshirt, and her chest on my sides letting me feel her heartbeat.


She checked her phone and got a text,

"Uhm, my mom, dad and Sofi are staying at some hotel for the night. They said the car broke down."

As the movie ended, she closed the laptop and continued, "can you sleep over? I, uh, I'm not used to being alone"

"Sure. Whatever you want, Camila" I said not thinking about the monster who will probably kill me when I return home.

I checked the time, 11:02 AM.

Her stomach growled and I laughed.

"Hey! Don't laugh" she said pouting pulling away from me.

"I'm sorry" I said chuckling

"Let's go to McDonald's!!" The girl exclaimed.

"You're so cute" I blurted out

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

She looked down smiling then said, "thanks" shyly getting up from bed.

She turned on the lights revealing her, a little bit messy bedroom. "Uhm, Jade?"

"Yeah?" I answer

"I'm gonna change" she said as I quickly stood up from the mattress

"Oh right. I'll be waiting outside" I said then smiled.

"Okay" she replied as I close the door and headed outside.

I heard my house stayed quiet. That's a good sign.

Minutes later waiting at the porch, the Latina finally opened the door and walked outside. She wore denim jeans with white sleeveless top and paired it with a white converse high-cut shoes.

"I feel like shit for not changing but whatever" I said, "let's go?"

She nodded.


(One and a half hour later)

We finished eating and went back to her home immediately. We walked into her room as I remembered I have to get some things for the night.

"Camila? I'll be back. I'm just gonna get some clothes. Is that alright?" I asked

"It's fine. No problem"

"Okay, thanks" I said

As I was going to open the door, the girl spoke.

"But! You have to let me come with you" she said smirking

Oh no... I can't let her go in that hell. Dave will hurt her. And if he does. I won't ever forgive myself for letting her come with me.

"Uhm, I-I can't let you Camila." I said trying not to sound like she'll be in danger

"Whyyy? I haven't been in your house" she said giving me her puppy dog eyes.

Don't give in Jade. Don't give in!

"There's just things I'm not ready for you to know" I smiled to hide the pain.

She hummed and said, "okay, but promise me you'll tell me what those things are when your ready."



"I promise" I smiled, "I'll be back for a couple minutes. See you later"

"See yah later" she said as I closed the door in her bedroom.

I walked to my house, ready for the hell I'm getting myself into.

As I opened the front door, I saw Dave passed out on the couch. My feet hurried upstairs leading me to my room then quickly changed.

I wore my black sweatshirt with a big red 'X' printed on it and my gray sweatpants. I changed my converse into a black pair of slippers.

The bruises on my face was slightly showing so I added a little bit of foundation to completely cover it up. I didn't need bracelets for the scars since I'm wearing longsleeves.

Hurrying, I grabbed my usual back pack with my laptop, chargers, headphones and my other necessities in it. I got downstairs and the man is still knocked out on the couch. I went outside quickly and ran towards the girl's house. With me running fast a little more than I should, I tripped and hit my bruised part on my face on a rock.

"Ugh, shit!" I groaned then continued but now, I walked.

I pushed the doorbell and seconds later, the door opened revealing a shocked girl.

"Oh my God! What happened to your face?!" Her voice went a little louder

"I just tripped on my way here and hit my cheek on a rock or something" I answered half-lying

"Are you sure? It looks like you have been punched. Or something."

"Is it really bad?" I ask

"Yes Jade. Come in, let's clean it up first. I have a lot of questions" she said seriously.

Oh no. Please don't tell me she saw me coming from that house.

"O-okay" I stuttered as I come in.

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