"Thank you" I said in a strained voice.

He didn't reply and I wasn't sure if he had heard me or he was just ignoring me. I cleared my throat loudly this time around before I spoke.

"Thank you" I repeated again.

"I heard you the first time" he still had his eyes roaming through the babies in the incubators.

"Look, I know you don't like me and I don't like you but I'm grateful for everything you have done for Zana."

He snorted at what I said, clearly not ready to accept my thanks. Well I had said what I wanted, I took a step away from him to keep on watching my son.

"You don't have to thank me for anything. I love Zana and everything I do for her I do it out of love. I saw the papers when I went to get her stuff and it's very decent of you to amend your stupidity. And you are a big fool, you love her, why can't you just tell her so you guys can kiss and makeup instead of hurting each other." He blurted out in one breath.

I turned to look at him with a grin on my face, he was right about one thing, I was a fool and I did love Zana, more than my own life, but had he just called me stupid? I smiled to myself shaking my head in the process, he had guts, I would award him that.

"It's not that easy, every time I try to tell her, I just can't find the words." I solemnly said.

"Well well, who knew the mighty had fears. Telling someone how you feel shouldn't be that difficult, what's the worst thing that can happen?"

"I guess you are right"

And just like that Kyle and I were actually having a conversation without the tense atmosphere and hate filled glares. He wasn't that bad to talk to except for the fact that he was pretty straight forward, blunt and sarcastic.

"Which one is he, all the babies here look the same"

"He's the one the doctor is checking up on" I pointed out to him.

"You did do something right for once. He's so cute but too frail and reddish" he bluntly said out loud.

The Doctor came out a minute later to meet me and introduce herself. We stepped aside from Kyle before she spoke.

"Doctor Pasley, Head of Pediatrics" she stretched out her hand which I took to shake.

"Alex Flemming"

"I know Mr Flemming" she smiled at me. "Well, your son is healthy for a late preterm baby, and he's breathing on his own which is  a major plus, so for now everything is okay."

"Thank you Doctor"

"But we will have to keep a close eye on him."

"For how long?"

"One or two weeks depending on how his health comes along. Anything can happen so let's pray for the best."

"Alright then, I leave it to you to give the outmost care to my son, and take care of him personally." I said in an authoritative voice to get my message clear to her.

"I sure will Mr Flemming." She gave me one more smile before leaving to go do her job.

I couldn't tell if she was trying to flirt with me or just being super nice. I returned back to Kyle's side to stare at my son once more. Kyle was right, I did do one thing right and that was him, he had his mother's features for sure and I didn't want it any other way. My son, our son, I was going to protect him with my life and instill all the good values in him. My heart clenched with love and pride as I kept on watching him.

"Do you need tissues because it seems as if you are about to cry." Kyle remarked and I cared less for that.

If I wanted to cry I would cry, he was my son and I had just witnessed his birth after all, I didn't blame him because he didn't get it. The emotions that were going through me was so overwhelming.

"You should go see her and tell her what the doctor told you. They have already moved her to a recovery room. I will stay here and watch him for a while."

I nodded at what he said, taking one last look at my son before leaving.

It took me a while before I finally found my way to the room Zana had been moved to. I slowly opened the door to the room to find Zana, sleeping peacefully as it was past 11 pm and I myself was tired. I approached the bed and pulled the covers over her sleeping form, I traced the outline of her delicate features before placing a kiss on her forehead. How did I end up with such a kind hearted and forgiving woman like this? I mentally asked myself.

She was too good for me and I know I didn't deserve her. Her eyes fluttered open to stare at me before I could move away from her bedside.

"How is he?" She asked groggily as she tried to sit up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. You should go back to sleep"

"Nah, it okay. I wasn't in a deep sleep."

"Well, I spoke to the pediatrician and she said he's healthy and okay but they have to keep a close eye on him for a week or two."

"Thank God everything is alright."

"Yeah, he's going to be."

A minute of silence passed before she spoke again.

"What should we name him, I mean we just can't keep referring to him as the baby or he."

"I guess not. Well, since you have full rights over him, you get to name him."

"Yeah I know but I still want us to name our son, together."

"Alright then. What did you have in mind?"

"Jorah, what do you think about it?"

"Jorah Aydin Flemming" I blurted out not knowing I had included the name Aydin. It just flowed out of me. I gazed expectantly at her, waiting to hear what she thought about it.

"I love it. Jorah Aydin Flemming. It befits him" she said with a huge grin on her face.

At that moment, all I wanted was to kiss her so badly. I took a seat on the couch in the corner of the room before my mind decided to do exactly that.

"Now that we have settled on a name for him, you should go back to sleep. You need your rest."

"You should get some sleep too, you look tired."

She settled back comfortably in the bed and closed her eyes. Her slow steady breathing indicated she was fast asleep. I stretched back on the couch to also take sleep, today had been a long day and my hands were killing me, who knew Zana had that kind of strength to grip like that. I closed my eyes and felt peace like never before.

'Jorah Aydin Flemming'

That was the last name on my mind before sleep took over.

Hey guys, hope all of you are good? Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments as usual, it just makes me happy 😊. Will try and update every day from now on. Love you all💕.

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