Chapter 43 - Layla's Bodyguard Arrives

Start from the beginning

"Okay, auntie."

Braelyn came over, grabbed my hand, and we went back to Layla's room.

We saw the nurse go in, so we went in after her. Layla was in and out of sleep. Braelyn hopped in Ryan's lap and said, "Hi, mommy."

"H-hi, baby girl." Layla took her time talking. "Are you being a good girl?"

"Yes, mommy. Can you come home soon?"

Layla had fallen asleep. "Come on, Braelyn. Mommy needs her rest. Let's go back to the waiting room."

Braelyn leaned into Layla and kissed her on her cheek. Then, we left the room. As we walked into the waiting room, I recognized Jake's voice but not the other voice. Cris was about to introduce them, but Ryan seemed to know them already. "Jake and Sean, is that you?"

"Ryan, this is my girlfriend, Briana. And this guy over here is Ryan."

"It's nice to meet you, Ryan."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Your fiancée is the one that needs the bodyguard?"

"Yes. I want her to have a bodyguard 24/7, just like Cris has for Kamea. We live in New York. Will that be okay? Until we find a place big enough, we are living in my house in Brooklyn."

"That's not a problem at all. Just let me know when you want me to start. Where is she?"

"Layla is in this hospital. While at the movies earlier today, someone threw a large piece of glass at her, and it got lodged in her neck. They had to do surgery to get it out because it was near a major blood vessel in the neck. Plus, she got a staph infection from the glass because it was contaminated."

"Sorry to hear that, man. Is she going to be okay?"

"Thanks, Jake. I am hoping she is. Once she recovers, we are planning to elope."

"Excuse me, Mr. Meyers, visiting hours are over, but if you would like to stay with Ms. Jordan, you can. She was placed in one of the private rooms in the hospital."

"Thank you. I will stay."

"Hey Ryan, we can talk more tomorrow. Don't worry. I can do it. And living in New York is fine. You said she has a daughter?"

"Yes, Layla does. Her name is Braelyn. That's her over to the right with her father."

Cris came over. "Before we come tomorrow, we will go pick up your parents and Layla's parents from the airport."

"Thank you, Cris. Goodnight, all." Then we left the hospital.

Cris' POV

"Jake, when we get home, we need to talk."

"Of course, Cris."

Braelyn and Austin rode home with us. Jake, Briana, and Sean rode with Cam.

It was a short ride, so we made it home in no time.

When we got in the house, Día and Rocco were asleep.  "Val, we have plenty of room here, so you don't have to travel back to Key West tonight."

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