ventidue | puerto iguazu

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BEFORE PAULO WOULD BE off for training with the national team, preparing for the World Cup, that was just around the corner

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BEFORE PAULO WOULD BE off for training with the national team, preparing for the World Cup, that was just around the corner. Paulo and Naomi decided to go on a small trip.

This small trip was technically their little 'deal'- and Naomi had decided to go to Puerto Iguazu. It was only two days after the call-ups were announced, and he decided that the best way they could end their small trip was by going somewhere they could both enjoy together.

Naomi's father was still in the hospital, but he was doing a lot better and in these past days, they had been checking on him very often. The last time they checked up on him was this morning, before taking a short flight to Puerto Iguazu.

Naomi had always wanted to visit the Iguazu Falls, which she had heard was absolutely amazing, but she had never been there, until today.

After their two hour flight and a short drive, they arrived at their hotel. They would only be in Puerto Iguazu for today and then they would be leaving tomorrow morning. Paulo wished they could've stayed much longer, but he had to leave to prepare for the World Cup.

"Are you ready?" Naomi smiled as she had finished getting ready to explore the falls. She had only changed into something more comfortable and tied her hair up because they would have to do a lot of walking.

Paulo smiled and nodded. "And you look beautiful as always, mi amor." She sweetly mumbled a 'thank you' as Paulo pulled her in for a kiss.

The hotel where Paulo and Naomi were staying at was somewhat close to the place they would be exploring, so their walk wasn't too long.

"This is so beautiful," Naomi said in awe, their walk to the Puerto Iguazu Falls was totally worth it because the falls were extremely beautiful and she had never been to a place like this.

"Not as beautiful as you," Paulo winked as he took a few pictures of the falls and Naomi, so he could at least have something to remember this trip by.

"You're too cheesy, Paulo," she laughed, as Paulo placed his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug and placing a kiss on her forehead.

Paulo and Naomi had spent the entire morning exploring around the falls until they decided to head back to the hotel and get a taxi to take them into the town where the would have lunch together. They decided to have lunch together at a small restaurant more in the city of Puerto Iguazu.

"I think coming to Puerto Iguazu has to become something we do more often, it's seriously so amazing here," Naomi suggested.

She loved how beautiful the city was, especially the falls and how happy she felt here. She felt at peace with no worries at all here, despite all everything she was going through.

"Definitely," he stated as he popped a fry into his mouth. "I hope we can come here more often in the future."

Naomi nodded and smiled at how adorable the baby that was sitting at the table next to theirs looked. Paulo made weird faces, enough to make the baby burst out in laughter.

"Talking about the future," he added. "Have you ever thought about having kids?" Paulo asked as his attention was still on the baby, who was smiling back at Paulo.

Naomi wasn't going to lie, but his question has caught her off guard. Truth was, she had never really thought much about the idea of having kids, just because she didn't see herself having kids with Paulo because of how 'on-and-off' their relationship was.

Every time she thought everything was fine, or when she thought that their future became more clear, something changed it and it would only bring her down and get rid of the ideas of a future together.

"Not really," she admitted. "With everything going on, I haven't really put much thought to the future. Have you?"

Or she just didn't see a future that included Paulo and her being together. She knew that what they felt or their love wouldn't last long if Paulo kept going back to being the person she had grown to despise.

"I have, actually," he mumbled. "I just- I think that having kids isn't such a bad idea or a bad idea at all. I think that building a family of our own is something I've wanted for a while now. But there has never been a good time for it, and I just think that's now. Well not like right now- but soon maybe," he added, hoping that he had not made her feel pressured to do anything. He truly cared for her, and if a family was something she didn't want now, then she would respect her decision.

"A family of our own doesn't sound bad," she admitted. "But just not yet, I don't think I'm ready yet." The fact that she wasn't ready wasn't necessarily the reason why she didn't want children yet. She had always wanted kids if she was going to be honest, but she never thought it was the best idea due to the fact that Paulo and she would usually always fight or they wouldn't be on good terms most of the time.

Of course she would love the idea of having a daughter or son run around with Paulo has he taught them how to play football. Or taking them to his football matches.

Paulo nodded, "of course. But first I would have to propose, because that's the right way to start a family, isn't it?"

In all the years that she had been with Paulo, this was the first time she had ever heard him speak seriously about marriage or building a family. He had talked about having kids a few times, but he had never really meant it and they both knew it.

Paulo had never really been serious about the idea of building a family- and whenever he would joke about it she would never take it seriously because he never meant it. Even back when everything was perfect- for them- he had never talked or admitted he actually wanted children or even get married.

She had always said that marriage was first if he ever wanted kids. That's how she was taught, and she had stuck with it.

"Never thought that you would want to get married or that you had ever even thought about marriage, Paulo."

Paulo shrugged, "things change, plus everyone looks so happy with their children and I just feel like a child would be better for us," he said. Paulo meant many things with that. Especially the fact that he hoped that a baby would change things, for the better.

Maybe a baby would fix their relationship and he would finally change for the better, and show Naomi that she was all he cared about.

most boring filler chapter ever, sorry. i will most likely be updating [this story] again tomorrow. - thank you for reading! i love you all!

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