Locked Up Together

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All Jay felt was hot pain. His back stung and he refused to open his eyes. He could tell that he was in the brig. He spent enough nights in it to know what it felt like. He didn't want to face his friends yet. He didn't want to see their guilt or anger. He didn't know which he was going to get from them.

Half an hour later, he still hadn't opened his eyes. He heard his friends talking in whispered voices. Nya began to stroke his hair. Jay didn't remember the last time he felt physical contact that didn't result in extreme pain. He finally decided that it's been long enough and opened his eyes.

Only Nya and the pirates were awake. They rushed over to him in worry.

"Jay! We're so sorry for everything" said Clancee as he sobbed into jay.

Jay grabbed Clancee and hugged him. It wasn't their faults and he had to make them see that.

"How's your back feeling?" asked Flintlock quietly.

"It's alright. A bit sore actually" laughed Jay.

Flintlock gave him a nod than pulled him in for a hug. Nya was just staring at him. She didn't know how he was able to function at this point.

"Hey jay." whispered Nya.

The other ninja started to wake up and dog piled Jay.

Jay gave them a guilty look and said "I'm sorry for what I did to all of you. None of you deserved it. I know that everything I said had some meaning towards it. I always keep everything bottled up. The sword just enhanced it".

After Wu woke, they all began to talk. Jay noticed however, that Kai was off to the side. Jay dragged himself over to him and saw a look of guilt on his face.

Jay sat down and nudged him and said with humor in his voice "what's wrong fire cracker".

He knew that it was because of their fight but he wanted to play dumb and see what he would say.

"Don't act like last night didn't happen" said Kai angrily.

Jay sat down next to Kai and saw tears fall from his eyes.

"I've been hurting you for years. You took it. Why didn't you ever tell me to stop?" sobbed Kai.

"I know you Kai. Your temper is a part of you. I always knew that you had trouble controlling it. I let you take it out on me because I knew if I let you do it to me, the others wouldn't have to endure it. They would beat you up right away. Cole would force feed you his cooking for days. This earned a small laugh from Kai. We all have our problems. I talk a lot and you usually let me talk your ears off. Letting you go hard on me in training is fine as long as it provides an outlet" said Jay.

"It doesn't make what I did right. I hurt you and I just kept doing it. I could have even killed you" cried Kai.

"Listen Kai, Im not going to lie, it did hurt when we trained together. I'm not going to let it define you. There are ways to control your anger. I never told anyone but when I was younger, I was very aggressive. I was bullied a lot for being Jewish, scrawny, and a nerd. I would lash out at my parents. I hit my mom once. They took me to a therapist and it really helped. I stopped being aggressive and focused on the good things" said Jay.

"You really think a therapist would help?" hiccuped Kai.

"Totally. If you need help finding one, just let me know" replied Jay.

They hugged and were about to join the others when Kai said while laughing "since your jewish, does that mean you're cut?"

"Yeah. Got a problem with that? Nya seems to like it" replied Jay laughing.

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