You will be mine

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Misfortune's keep was floating near hell's rocks. They were jagged and pierced the haul of the ship. Jay was forced to make repairs while the crew and Nadakhan had a party. They wanted the ship to be upgraded to fly so Jay's job was to figure out all of the science behind that. He sat in a dimly lit room drawing sketches. His stomach started to growl when he realized he hadn't eaten food in over a day. He saw a bowl of apples and ate one fast. If Nadakhan saw him, he would be dead.

Suddenly Nadakhan barged through the door and said "what are you doing in here. The party is out there". He motioned to the deck with all the crew dancing.

"Is this a trick?" asked Jay worriedly.

"No trick. We just wish to enjoy your company" replied Nadakhan.

Jay made his way outside. The smell of sea air invaded his senses. He actually loved the ocean but never had the time to go. Doubloon walked over and offered him a drink. It was very strong with a weird taste to it. Suddenly he felt queasy and ran to the edge of the ship to throw up. When he turned around everyone was laughing at him.

"What's so funny?" Jay asked angrily.

"Oh nothing. Just that the wine you drank had venomari spit in it. You should start to feel the effects quite soon" laughed Nadakhan.

Not a minute later he started to become very dizzy. He felt himself fall over the edge but luckily someone grabbed him at the last second. He was starting to throw up again and everyone stopped laughing. He was holding his stomach in pain while crying on the deck.

"Well what are you staring at? Get him some water than throw him in the brig" yelled Nadakhan.

Clancee brought him water and snuck him some bread.

"Cap'n said because you threw up on your clothes and since he doesn't want his brig to smell that you should wear this.

When Jay got a look of the new outfit it was almost an exact copy of Clancee's. The only difference was that he had a little more armor. He thanked Clancee than looked at his reflection in the water. He looked like a real pirate. He remembered that when he was young, he used to play walk the plank. He had to admit, he looked pretty cool. Suddenly he felt a really cold breeze. Clancee didn't close the cover on top of the bars. He bet that Nadakhan gave him strict orders not to. He hugged himself and went to sleep.

(Now we go to the ninja)

"How much farther do we have to go?" complained Kai.

"Geez Kai, you beginning to sound like Jay. We'll be there in about an hour" replied Cole.

"You miss him a lot, don't you?" Questioned Lloyd.

"Of course I do. Nadakhan is probably torturing him every chance he gets" replied Cole sullenly.

"We'll get him back, and defeat Nadakhan once and for all" said Nya with determination in her voice.

Suddenly a storm started to form. Thunder and lightning crackled in every direction, making the boat rock back and forth. They tried calling Master Wu for help but communications were down. A huge wave cake crashing down on them, throwing them all overboard. They were swept out to sea with no idea where they were going.

(A few hours later)

When Zane woke up he noticed how hard it was to stand and realized that he was full of sand. He emptied out his system and went to Nya. She groggily got up and looked around. She screamed when she realized that they were on tiger widow island.

"Please Nya, my hearing is sensitive" said Zane as he covered his ears.

"C'mon sis. You trying to wake the whole world?" asked Kai tiredly.

"We're here. We can find the poison" said Nya excitedly.

At this point, Lloyd and Cole also stood up and looked around.

"It's starting to get dark. I think it would be best if we started looking early tomorrow so we have more daylight" said Lloyd.

"I agree with Lloyd. We do not know what creatures live in the jungle" said Zane.

Hey all agreed and decided to go to sleep. They were able to salvage three sleeping bags, which they shared. They fell asleep knowing that they were one step closer to finding Jay.

(Now back to Jay)

Jay was shaken awake very abruptly. When he saw that it was Flintlock, he became more awake.

"Cap'n has orders for me to bring you to him. I wonder why he has such a keen interest in you?" said Flintlock.

"I have no idea why he has such an interest in me" said Jay.

Jay knew the real reason but decided Now was not the best time to talk to Flintlock about it. When Flintlock knocked on the door, Nadakhan said that only Jay should come in. Flintlock nodded and shoved jay in.

"Please come sit down" said Nadakhan forcibly.

Jay sat down in a satin chair, dreading what Nadakhan was going to do next.

"How do the clothes fit? I hope it is to your taste" said Nadakhan.

"They fit fine. I'd rather go back to my cell than be here with you" mumbled Jay.

"You seem tense. Your not upset about that little prank we played earlier?" laughed Nadakhan.

Jay fed up with Nadakhan screamed "why did you make me come to your room? What do you want"?

Nadakhan grabbed Jay by the shoulders and said "you stole something from me".

"I didn't steal anything" said Jay anxiously.

"I know that you ate my apple and now your going to pay for it" bellowed Nadakhan.

He threw Jay onto the bed and before he could run away Nadakhan was on top of him. He tied his hands with ropes and held him down. Jay started to cry and break free from his restraint but to no avail. He shoved a cloth in his mouth so he wouldn't alert the crew. Nadakhan took a whip and mangled his back.

When Nadakhan was done he whispered into Jay's ear "by the time I'm done with you, you will break. Even when you wish it away, you won't be able to get away".

He laughed and shoved him to the ground and ordered him to put his clothing back on. He could feel the pain down there and begged Nadakhan to use the bathroom. He laughed and pointed to the door. It was painful. He started to cry and when Nadakhan saw that he rubbed his back. He threw him in the brig and promised that tomorrow would be a long day of chores. Jay began to cry silent tears. He knew no one would come for him and that he was all alone. He fell into a restless sleep.

*****hey guys. I know this is a few hours late but I hope you like it. On a side note, (I need to rant) I love the new season but I'm not liking Jay's role this season (he's my favorite character). They make him seem like a stupid child. They really dumbed him down this season. Lloyd is younger and he's more mature this season. I don't think he gets enough credit. Alright, rant over. In terms of updating it's up in the air. I have a lot of school work this coming week so I'll have to see when I could find the time. Hopefully by Tuesday night there will be an update. Have a great night :)

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