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****sorry this is late. I had a school trip yesterday and was way too tired to write this. This chapter is mostly gonna be about Jay. Sorry if it isn't the best. I'm writing this while watching a movie.

Jay woke up to a loud thump. When he opened his eyes, he saw that a mop was thrown down at him.

"Get up. Your going to swab the whole deck until I decide it's good enough" yelled Nadakhan.

In response jay grunted and stood up. He was stiff from sleeping in a weird way. His head and lower body killed. He remembered last night and let a tear slip down his cheek. He knew that if he didn't go up soon Nadakhan would punish him. He climbed up the ladder and was met with Clancee's cheerful expression.

"Cap'n sa-ays I'm in ch-harge of you" stuttered Clancee.

"Why? Is he going somewhere?" wondered Jay.

"He-es going to r-round up the rest of the crew" responded Clancee.

Jay was handed a mop and bucket. He had to clean the whole shop before Nadakhan would return or according to Clancee "the consequences would be great". While moping they deck someone walked over and knocked the bucket that help the water over.

"Sorry. It was an accident let me help you" laughed Dogshank. She brought jay more water and "accidentally" spilled it all over him.

Now drenched Jay shoved dogshank away and went to work somewhere else. Suddenly his stomach started to hurt. He realized that he hadn't eaten in almost two days. He saw Flintlock and built up enough courage to ask for food.

"Hey flintlock. I was wondering if I can have a little food. Making your prisoner mop on an empty stomach isn't the best idea" joked Jay.

Flintlock turned around and said "Nadakhan instructed us not to give you food".

Jay instantly deflated. He was starving and knew if he didn't get food soon, he would become ill.

"Please Flintlock" whispered Jay.

Flintlock felt a stab of empathy. He said "alright I'll give you some bread but if Nadakhan hears about this, he'll have both our heads on a platter.

After finishing his food, Jay decided that since Nadakhan wasn't here that it was the best time to tell Flintlock.

"Can I talk to you?" Said Jay hesitantly.

"You can talk and work, can't you?" Said Flintlock harshly.

Jay grabbed his mop and began cleaning.

"I know this is gonna sound crazy put please listen" said Jay.

Flintlock nodded and he continued.

"Nadakahn isn't who you think he is. We've lived through this before. Last time Nadakhan trapped all of my friends in his sword. He captured and tortured me. He made djinjago here. There is a tradition that if you marry someone on djin land, than he would gain infinite wishes. He married my girlfriend. He betrayed your whole crew. You helped me when you realized that it was all a lie. You're the one that shot tiger widow venom to weaken him. It hit my girlfriend and she died. I wished that it never happened and everything went back to normal. Recently someone found the teapot and released him. We have to stop him before he does it again" finished Jay.

For a second it looked as though Flintlock believed him but his face instantly formed into a smile and he started to laugh. Jay could feel the tears rising. When Flintlock saw that Jay wasn't kidding his laugh died down.

"What your saying is crazy. I would have remembe..."

The only people that remember it are my girlfriend Nya and I.

"Listen, I was humoring you. Nadakhan would never betray us. You'd better get back to work" said Flintlock.

Jay was left in shock as he walked away. He didn't think it would be so hard to convince him. But then again, last time wasn't so easy either. He spent the rest of the day cleaning and listening to Clancee talk his ears off, and people call him mouth of lighting. By nighttime it was freezing again. Luckily Nadakhan still wasn't back so he was able to relax for the time being. He was sitting on top of a crate when Clancee walked up to him.

"Flintlock t-told me t-that it was okay to invite you to our party. As l-long as you w-wear the b-ball and chain it's okay" said Clancee.

Jay was grateful for the break and gladly accepted. When he got there Flintlock, Dogshank, Doubloon, and monkey wrench were having drinks. They incited him to sit down and offered him some. He assumed since Nadakhan wasn't here that they were being more lax.

"So Jay, tell us about being a ninja" snickered Dogshank.

"I'm on a team. We protect those than cannot protect themselves" said Jay sullenly.

"Why do you sound so upset?" asked Flintlock.

"I'm not exactly the best ninja. Lloyd is the green ninja and most powerful. Cole is the strongest, Kai is the most fierce, Zane is the smartest, and Nya is the most agile. All I am is the comic relief" said Jay.

Even though some of them had not been very nice to him, he felt comfortable talking to them about this. They all gave him looks of empathy.

"Being the comic relief isn't always a bad thing. You cheer everyone up when bad things happen" said Dogshank.

"I know but sometimes you just want to be known as the strong or smart one. I'm pretty good with technology but everyone calls me a nerd" said Jay as he rubbed his swollen leg.

No one said anything for a minute. The only noise that was heard was the fire crackling. The wind threatened to put it out.

"Why are you really here jay? Nadakhan told us you destroyed his home. Flintlock told us what you told him" said Dogshank.

"He wanted to break me. He wasn't able to last time and now it's his mission. Last night when he told you to bring me to his room, he tortured me for eating an apple" sobbed Jay.

That all looked stunned.

"Youre crazy. Nadakhan would never do that. Throw him back in the brig" ordered Flintlock.

Dogshank grabbed him hard and and shoved him down. She opened the latch and pushed him into the brig. Before she left, she threw a blanket down. Jay took it and cried into it. His strength was gone and all he wanted to do was curl up into a ball. After crying for a minute, he realized that he needs to get them on his side. He was determined to win them over. He smiled and went to sleep.

****hope you guys like this chapter. Also if anyone finds offense to the way I write Clancee let me know. I have been trying to write him with a lisp but I will stop if it offends people with a lisp. I know that I need to get back to the other ninja but I like writing Jay much better. Leave a review and helpful critique. See you guys next time :)

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