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The next morning the ninja were awoken with a blaring alarm. They all jumped up knocking each other down in the process

Nya walked out and screamed "I've been looking for you guys everywhere. There is someone trashing stix. They think it could be Pythor, so we gotta get there fast".

The ninja sprinted to their rooms to put on their uniforms. They were sleek and had a very cool design. Jay, still sluggish from the previous night took his time.

"Hey Jay, we gotta hurry before whoever is trashing stix leaves" said Kai.

"You guys go on ahead, I need to do something" replied Jay.

They gave him one last look before they left. Nya lingered but he smiled and told her she should go before she misses all the action. He went to his room and grabbed the knife in his top drawer and threw it out. He felt liberated and ran outside to join his brothers. Soon after they arrived a stix with Jay following a moment later.

"I think it would be best if we split into two. Cole go with Kai, I'll go with Zane, and jay go with Nya" Lloyd said tiredly.

They split up with their partners and went to find the intruder who they assumed was Pythor.

"Lloyd, you seemed rather tired before. Is something the matter?" Inquired Zane.

"I'm okay Zane. I'm Just a little tired after everything that has happened last night. I'm just glad Jay is okay" said Lloyd

They continued looking by the dock with no sign of Pythor.

(Now we go to Cole and Kai)

While walking kai noticed cole's demeanor. He was upset and not at all stealthy. He was knocking over boxes and trash.

"Um Cole, were supposed to be quiet. Is something bothering you? You seem upset" Kai said.

"Why didn't Jay tell me? I'm supposed to be his best friend. Did he think I'd laugh at him? Oh sorry Kai, were all best friends and broth..." apologized Cole.

Kai interrupted him saying, "Cole I know you and Jay have a special bond. Ever since the tournament you two have been inseparable. I think that nadakhan made him believe that we, even you would make fun of him and reject him. From what we heard, he was a master manipulator. We don't know everything that happened. Talking about something like that isn't easy. When my parents disappeared I didn't know who to turn to. I kept it bottled up until I exploded and accidentally hurt Nya. Coming to terms with being tortured or abandoned isn't easy".

"I'm sorry that happened to you. If you ever want to talk I'm here for you. And your right about jay. We all need to be there for him" said Cole.

"Thanks. Now if you want to do something for me, please stop knocking boxes. Your giving me a headache, Boulder brain" chuckled Kai.

"Oh how inconsiderate of me I'll try to be more careful" said Cole as he "accidentally"pushed a box of Kai dolls into the water.

(Now we go to Jay and Nya)

"Last time we were at stix, we were running for our lives" laughed Jay.

"Yes, and if I remember correctly you were pretty scared. You were telling pretty corny jokes" Nya joked. She gave him a playful shove. 

"Well I was just trying to keep myself from freaking out. Jokes always make me feel better. As a kid I was bullied so whenever they made fun of me, I would tell a joke to distract them" Jay said.

"Im sorry you had to endure that. I love your jokes. They always cheer me up when I'm upset. Jay...what happened last night? It's okay if you don't want to tell me but I'm worried about you. I saw you fly off in a storm" Nya said worriedly.

"I just don't want you to hate me after I say it" jay said sadly.

"I could never hate you. I love you and whatever it is, I'll be there for you" Nya lovingly said.

Jay took a deep breath and began "Nadakhan made me play scrap and tap until I passed out from exhaustion. I was given almost no food. I almost killed myself. I've been taking medicine for depression. I understand if you don't want to touch me anymore and if you want to brea..."

Before he could say another word Nya presses her lips firmly on his. He relaxed and kissed her in return.

"Jay, I love you. What Nadakhan did to you doesn't change my feelings for you. I want to be there for you to pick up the pieces" said Nya.

Jay kissed her again and they did so for quite a few minutes before they heard a voice behind them.

"Well, if it isn't the two lovebirds. How are you, old chums?" Cackled Pythor.

They pulled apart as Pythor slithered near them holding a katana and none other than the teapot of Tyrahn.

****Sorry to leave this on a cliff hanger. Good news though. I will be making this into a story. It takes place after day of the departed. I'll try to update as fast as I can (I know it sucks when your reading the fanfiction and it stops being updated :) please leave a review to tell me what you think and feel free to leave any ideas for the story as it goes on.

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