The Reveal

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What's up with Jay? He was acting pretty strange" said Cole as he climbed onto the deck.

"Nadakhan must be doing something to him. But it was so sudden. He seemed fine yesterday" replied Nya.

They all sat on the deck eating dinner. They were able to to hide the bounty amongst the bushes.

"I say tomorrow night is his last chance. If he doesn't go with us quietly, we're going to have to take him back to the bounty by force" said Kai angrily.

"What about Nadakhan? He has that device still attached to him. He could press it at any time and kill him" said Lloyd sadly.

"We have to incapacitate him. We need this to be a stealth mission. Our best option would be to knock Jay out so we do not face any problems transporting him" said Zane.

They continued to eat their dinner with worried looks on their faces. They knew that Jay's mission was important to him but they couldn't watch him suffer.

"It's settled. Tomorrow night we carry out our mission. No matter what Jay says, this ends now" said Cole with determination.

They all nodded and headed off to bed. Unfortunately none of them noticed that a certain djin has been spying on them. He stroked his beard and disappeared.

(Next morning with Jay)

Jay sat up angrily. He remembered last nights events and they made him grimace. He couldn't believe that he treated his friends that way. He started to make his way out of the brig when he remembered the sword. He picked it up timidly and looked at it. It was beautiful with a very fancy design. It felt familiar in his hand. He went out of the brig and saw Flintlocke.

"So what'd he show you?" asked Flintlocke.

Jay felt his stomach tighten and his temper start to boil and said "it was nothing".

"How come he gave you his sword?" asked Flintlocke suspiciously.

"He forgot to take it back. It's nothing alright! Now just leave me alone" screamed Jay.

He walked away with a frown on his face leaving Flintlocke stunned. He trudged over to Nadakhan who had been steering the ship.

"You forgot this" said Jay as he threw the sword down.

He suddenly felt a lot lighter. There wasn't a tight knot in his chest.

"I would like to give it to you as a gift. It's a powerful relic that I expect to be used wisely" said Nadakhan.

Jay looked at him surprised. He picked up the sword and felt his insides tighten. He felt a bad headache coming on.

"Why are you giving this to me? I thought you hated me and wanted to destroy me" said Jay meekly.

"From one under appreciated man to another, I know what it feels like to be weak. You will be more powerful than your friends. Although I do still hold some contempt for you, you've grown on me. Also, after hearing what your friends said about you last night, I think your going to need it" said Nadakhan.

"What do you mean?" asked Jay with venom laced in his voice.

"I followed them to their ship and heard their interesting conversation" laughed Nadakhan bitterly.

"Well tell me what they said" screamed Jay.

"I heard them say how they thought your efforts useless. They laughed at the idea of you actually leading a mission. They find you delusional and unfit. They even plan on coming here tonight to defeat me. I even heard them say that they were planning to knock you out so that they could complete the mission themselves" said Nadakhan.

Jay clenched his jaw hard.

"Well what am I supposed to do about it?" yelled Jay.

"You should teach them a lesson. Show them that you are strong. Trap them in the sword and prove once and for all that you are the strongest of the ninja" said Nadakhan darkly.

Jay gripped the sword tightly and said "tell me what I have to do to make them suffer".

(Now we go to the ninja)

The ninja quietly made their way to the ship. The plan was simple. Get Jay to safety and kill Nadakhan with the tiger widow venom, they possessed.

They pulled their hoods over their heads and made their way to the bottom of the ship. They used airjitzu to get to the deck.

"Do any of you see Jay?" whispered Nya.

They all nodded no and continued to look around. They heard a noise and instantly took out their weapons. Finally they were able to spot someone in the shadows.

"He-ey jay. Is that you?" whispered Kai.

The figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal that it was in fact Jay.

"You scared us. We brought you some food" said Lloyd.

Unbeknownst to Jay, the food was laced with a powerful sedative.

"Actually I'm not that hungry" said Jay with malice in his voice.

"You should eat brother. It's probably been hours since you've eaten" said Zane nervously.

"I don't think so" said Jay as he pulled out the sword.

All the ninja stepped back in fear.

"I think it's time we had some fun" said Jay as he lunged at them.

Out of surprise they all jumped back. Jay lite up his hands with lightning. He shocked Lloyd sending him down to the ground in pain.

"Jay, calm down. We don't want to hurt you" said Cole as he took out his scythe slowly.

"Well, I intend to do far worse to you" yelled Jay as he shot Kai with lightning.

A storm started and the ninja were having trouble seeing. Nya was able to see Jay and shot him with water. Zane froze the ice trapping Jay. They all let out a sigh of relief but the ice started to crack. Jay clashed his sword against Zane's. With Lloyd and Kai down he was able to make quick work of the rest. He was able to knock Zane and Nya out with a swift kick. Only Cole stood in front of him.

"What's wrong with you? You could've killed them" screamed Cole as the water pelted his back.

"I don't plan on killing any of you...yet" said Jay menacingly as his sword clashed with Cole's scythe.

"You're a monster. You're just like him" cried Cole.

For a second, Jay felt the knot in his stomach loosen but felt the anger grip him.

"You don't know anything. I'll prove it to you...all of you" said Jay as he sent an almost deadly shock through Cole's body.

He looked around seeing the bodies of his friends thrown around. He fell to the ground crying. Suddenly a hand gripped his shoulder and led him away.

*****hope you guys liked this chapter. Next update with be on a weekday next week. If anything changes I'll let you know in the comments. See you guys next time:)

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