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Hello everyone! Its me @bookwormwriter1435 ! OK I am so excited to do this book! I've been reading A LOT of your BEST EVER Beatles Books that were funny and very intriguing! So I now decided to do mine! I feel like mine would be crappy unlike all of yours. Some might not find these funny but I do! I've been inspired reading all of your awesome beatle books! YEAH they are Awesome!

YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! (sorry got caught into playing a song I know XD)

Anyway PLEASE PLEASE comment or vote or whatever you do on wattpad as long as I know your enjoying it!

Thank you sooooo much my Beatlemaniac Family (Can I call you that by the ways if not its fine).

Well Anywho I better start showing to you all!

Please enjoy!

Peace and Love!  


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