Georges Song

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"Paul!" shouted John. "We have to start finishing our song for our Please Please Me Album!"

"And what song would that be exactly?" Paul asked. John face paulmed himself and said "The song "P.S I Love You".

"Oh," said Paul has got out his bass. "Be careful John before you do the takes please don't eat cornflakes with the microphone still turned on. The last time we did it we literally hear crunch crunch crunch all the way through the takes!

" I didn't eat any cornflakes!" lied John. Paul rolled his eyes. "Just don't eat when we are doing the takes of the song".

John glared at him and said "But thats George you're talking about he eats more than I do!"

"He eats after we have done the takes!!" said Paul.

John rolled his eyes at him. "Hey, about George. Where is he?"

George was not in the studio but it was before they began doing their practice when suddenly they heard George singing to what sounded like P.S I Love You but it was not.

George came through the door and sang:

Treasure these few words for me forever
Tomato, cheese or Mozzarella
PS I Love Food. Food Food Food.

I'll be eating egg sandwiches and burgers topped up with cheeses
Burgers even egg sanwheches
PS I Love Food. Food Food Food!

As I eat my dinner! Send my Food to You! Remember that I'd always be in Love with Food!

Everyone in the studio started laughing. John fell down and suddenly sat on his cornflakes. Paul couldn't control his laugh and Ringo just chuckled. George was proud of his song he created.

Sorry this took sooooo long. I had writers block but I had an idea! I hope you all enjoyed Georges song "P.S I Love Food" XD

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