Quiz Part 2!

55 9 16

A/N: Ringo is bold and Paul is Underlined

Right Paul. Its your turn for the quiz! If you get more than four questions right that means you dont have to drink five bottles of wine and you are safe. BUT if you get less than four John is safe. 

What if we tied?

Then that means that both of you will have to drink together!

Fair enough.

Right first question for Paul! What year did you first meet John and where and what date was it?

John giggled at this.

Uh it was the year 1957 when I first met John at a fete, that was held on the 6th of July. 

Thats correct!

Right second question for Paul. What was the first song that you played to John that got yourself in the Quarrymen?

Thats an easy one Ringo! Its 20 Flight Rock by Eddie Cochran! I can memorized the lyrics but John couldnt then haha!

"Lies!" said John (with a lie). 

Paul chuckled.

Right Paul third question. Can you finish this song for me? You ain't nothing but a...

Hound dog! Crying all the time! You Ain't nothing but a Hound dog , crying all the time! Well you ain't caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine!!! I  LOVE THAT SONG!


Who would ever hate Elvis

Some Stupid Guy with a stupid mind.

Yeah! haha!

Right Paul fourth question! What was the song that George wrote when he was sick in bed?

George was smiling at this. He would laugh if Paul gets this wrong. But his song would be in their album sometime.

Uhhhhhhh  Was it Dont  Forget Me wait NO!!!!

Nope Sorry Paul it was Dont BOTHER me!

Now George was laughing so hard that tears were running down his face. John even joined in. 

You know guys laughing is a bad medicine because if you laugh to hard your stomach would be in PAIN.

"I cant believe you got that wrong McCartney!" said George with a giggle now slowing down his pace of laughing.

Well how was I suppose to know!  

"You heard me sing it!"


Alright boys calm yer selves down. We are not even halfway!

"Yes we are you're on question five for Paul" giggled John.

Ohhhhhh. Woops hehe. Right. Question five. What is Johns second name?

uh BETTY!!!

*John spits out water*


*Everyone laughs*

"ARE YOU MAD!!!!" cried out John.

But thats what you said in the Hard Days Night Film! 

"Are ya deaf McCartney!!!! I said "My Names Betty! Not my bloody SECOND NAME!!!!!"

"HAHAHAHAHAH John Betty Lennon HAHAHA" laughed George.

"OMG this is a new one this is" said Ringo with a giggle.


But John Betty Lennon actually works. Paul I will give you a point for that!


Didn't you say the line in the Hard Days Night "My names Betty?"

"Yeah but not my second name for God sake!" cried out John.

George however was still laughing "HAHAHAHAHA Betty Betty Lennon! HAhAHA

Hahahahaha! OMG Geo! Hahahahaha. Whats his first name Prudence? hahah

"OMG Prudence Betty Lennon hahaha" laughed George.

Ok I think we pissed off John quite enough now.

"Yeah you have" said John and poured a bottle of water over Ringo.


"Dont mention it" 

Right, where were we? Ah question six Paul. Who was the American President that got shot while in his car? 

That was John F. Kennedy. Sad really. A lot of the Americans were crying. 

Yeah it was. Question seven Paul. How many colours are in  a rainbow!


Yes! Question eight. What was the song George played that got him to Join the group.

That would be Raunchy!

Correct Paul! Question nine. Finish this saying for me, An apple a day...

Keeps the doctor a stray!

There's also takes the doctor away but then I'll take that to! Ok last question for Paul, what's johns favourite colour?

Uhhhh Red!

No. It's green. Seven out of ten Paul not bad! John you're still low on score.

" Damn it!" said John.

But anyway. It's George next!!! I hope the "Quiet One" will smart out the other three.

"Oh you're on Ringo! I can do this!"

I hope everyones enjoyed this! Hahaha no one should forget the time John said "my names Betty".

Ok I'll do the last part. Georges turn to do the quiz! Is he smarter than the others do ya think?

Here's a quiz question for all of you nice kind wattpaders! Who do you think will win?

We will find out won't we ;)

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