It Went Wrong

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John Lennon: Someone has been messing up our songs and can't spell at all especially our names.

George Harrison: How?

John Lennon: They spelt Beatles to Betols.

Ringo Starr: Oh my Lord!

Paul McCartney: What about our songs? There's nothing wrong right???? RIGHT????

John Lennon: Ya know our song Day Tripper. Someone got it to Lay Ripper

George Harrison: WHAT AM I READING

Ringo Starr: what other songs did they turn wrong?

John Lennon: Our Help song they got it to Welp! It goes like this:

Welp! You know I need someone!
Welp! I need somebody!
With Welp! You knew I want someone with


Paul McCartney: Welp! lol Welps my fave words

John Lennon: Someone must be on drugs singing that song.

Ringo Starr: that sing was entertaining lol

George Harrison: You mean that SONG.

Ringo Starr: Stupid Computer

John Lennon: Then someone changed Georges song Here Comes The Sun to Here Goes The Sun to  Here Comes The Moon

George Harrison: This person has problems BIG TIME

Ringo Starr: LOL Here goes the sun doo doo doo! Here Comes The Moon and I say.  It's all Wrong.

John Lennon:Yes OMG!!!

Ringo Starr:  XD

John Lennon: Our amazing Song Please Please Me turned out to be Sneeze Sneeze Me

Ringo Starr: XD Sneeze Sneeze Me Oh yeah Like I Sneeze You. LMAO

George Harrison: XD XD XD XD XD

Paul McCartney: OMG! XD

John Lennon: Even our song Come Together To Rainy Weather. Our  Song  I Wanna Hold Your Hand turned out to be I Wanna Hold Your Ham.

George Harrison: I'm eating ham lol

John Lennon: Lol Typical of you Geo and Our Song Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band they changed it to Sgt. Puffer's Only Parts Club Sandwich Band.

George Harrison: That must be a yummy band!

John Lennon: Sure. They also changed Mister Postman to Mister ROASTMAN.

George Harrison: Is Mr Roastman edible?

John Lennon: Lol must Be

Paul McCartney: I've been trying to find that person who keeps getting the songs wrong. It seems its not a person.

John Lennon: WHAT?!

Paul McCartney: It was Google Translate

George Harrison: XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

Ringo Starr: Lol

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