Chapter Twenty

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“One minute until showtime!” the stage manager shouted.

Katy and I grasped onto each other’s hands as we walked down the dark corridor. Katy comes up onto the stage from the ground on a lift that brings her up, so we have to go through a special hallway to get to it.


Looking up at Katy, I could tell she was beyond nervous. Even though this is her fourth tour, this is a completely different look for Katy. When her newest album Prism came out, everyone was shocked to see her new style. She didn’t know how fans would react to the change (tour-wise).

“It’s gonna be okay, Katy.” I reassured her. “Just remember who your International Smile is.”

Her look or worry vanished from her face as she smiled at me with hopeful eyes.

“I never forgot.” she said.


She climbed up on the lift and took some deep breaths. I thought I might make her laugh a bit to loosen her nerves up.

“Alright Katy,” I said while looking her dead in the eye, “you can do this! You are Katy Perry for pete’s sake! Now what I want you to do is shake all your nerves out!” I said as I shook my body ferociously all over the place.

Katy stared at me with a weird look in her eye, but then laughed as she mimicked my actions.

“Alright, now we do the warrior one pose.” I said while trying to do the yoga pose.

“Rachel!” Katy said while laughing.

“Okay okay, maybe we don’t have time for yoga. But go out there and kill it!” I shouted over the loud music as it started to play.


The lift went up and the crowd above me roared to life. I smiled and knew that she was going to have a good time performing, she always does.


I went into hair and makeup while waiting for the International Smile performance. Katy’s costume for the song was a skin tight cat suit with sparkly leopard print all over it and a matching kitty-ear cap to wear on her head. My costume was the exact same, the only difference between ours was that mine was purple while Katy’s was pink. The dancewear company Capezio even custom made me purple jazz shoes to match the outfit so I could dance in the performance.


As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized how much I really did look like Katy. Not the eye or hair color, but more or less the facial features. When I smiled I had a wonk eye, and the bottom row of my teeth are all messed up and jagged, just like Katy’s are. It’s no wonder we were sisters. I smiled at the thought.


After the make-up man said I was all set, I got up and had a stage manager lead me to the side of the stage where I could come out on. I heard Katy finish a song and start talking to the crowd about the next song that she was going to sing.


“The next one, I wrote about a very special person in my life.” Katy began, “She’s my light and my favorite person in the whole world. This person has very many different qualities that make her the fantastic person that she is. But my favorite part about her, is her international smile.”

The crowd roared with excitement, they knew what song was coming up next.

“Please welcome my sister, Rachel!” she shouted.

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